Bihari Boti Recipe in Urdu

Bihari Boti Recipe in Urdu is regarded among the popular dishes. Read the complete Bihari Boti Recipe in Urdu with ingredient details and method. It is a simple recipe and all required ingredients are easily available. Prepare the dish as per the Bihari Boti Recipe in Urdu from top chefs and add the true flavor or taste to your food. You can also share this recipe with your friends and family members.


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sani from karachi
بہاری بوٹی (INGREDIENTS)
  1. گوشت ایک کلو(بغیر ہڈی کا)
  2. کچا پپیتا ایک چوتھائی کپ(پسا ہوا)
  3. ادرک ، لہسن کا پیسٹ دو چائے کے چمچ
  4. نمک ڈیڑھ چائے کا چمچ
  5. مرچ پاؤڈر دو چائے کا چمچ
  6. گرم مصالحہ پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ
  • گوشت کے ٹکڑوں میں تمام مصالحے لگا کر تین سے چار گھنٹے کے لئے رکھ دیں۔ پھر اس کو کڑاہی میں ڈال کر بھون لیں۔ جب پانی خشک ہو جائے تو ایک چوتھائی کپ تیل ڈال کر بھونیں۔ پیاز کے لچھوں، ہری چٹنی اور پراٹھوں کے ساتھ پیش کر یں۔
Reviews & Discussions

I tried chicken stripes by chef Zakiir and we loved it. Simple and tasteful

  • Shamim Jiwani, Dallas
  • Wed 06 May, 2020

I watch various cooking shows to learn the cooking skills, but I couldn’t succeed to learn yet. One of my friend's recommend me HamariWeb recipes portal where various different recipes are available in which I will definitely try Bihari Boti because I love the taste of it.

  • Khawlah, Karachi
  • Thu 02 Mar, 2017

Like it. This is very very easy to make and to enjoy. simle method simple way of cooking and no mess of indgridient. I can make it very easily.

  • Hira Nazir, isb
  • Tue 10 Dec, 2013

i dont eat much mutton and beef but i like Bihari Boti which is made by mutton or beef ...because in chicken its not that yummy and tasty ..well its every one own choice like my brother only like chicken bihari boti not mutton ..this bihari boti kabab recipe is looks very good..

  • Usama Jillani, muree
  • Thu 28 Nov, 2013