Chicken With Onion Recipe Recipe By Shireen Anwar

Chicken With Onion Recipe recipe by Shireen Anwar. This delightful Main Course recipe of Chicken With Onion Recipe can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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Tasneem from Abbottabad
  1. Chicken Boneless ½ kg
    Big Green Chili            6
    Tomato 5
    Small size Onion 6
    Lemon 1
    Ginger Chopped ¼ Tea Spoon
    Black Pepper ½ Tea Spoon
    Salt As per taste
    Cooking Oil 3 Table Spoon
  • Boil chicken with salt and ginger in a pan till dryness the water. Make four pieces of each onion. Cut the tomato in long pieces. Fry the onion in cooking oil just to make onion soft. Just take a cut to green chili from middle. Fry onion and green chili for a minute than mix boiled chicken pieces in it. And add tomato in it and continue frying. Add salt as per taste and put on light flame for  short time. Before serving spread black pepper and lemon juice.
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