Red Chicken Curry Recipe

Bite the delicious Red Chicken Curry prepared at your home kitchen. Revive the chef in you by trying various unique recipes including the one posted on this page. Note down the ingredients and method and share it among your friends who love to cook.


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Perveen Khan from Multan
  1. Chicken boneless cubes ½ kg
  2. Baby corn 4 to 5
  3. Ginger julienne 1 tbsp
  4. Green chilies 2 cut in thin strips
  5. Fresh red chilies 2 cut in strips
  6. Spring onion 1 cut in diagonally
  7. Tomato half julienne
  8. Ginger garlic paste ½ tsp
  9. Crushed red pepper 1 tsp
  10. Coconut milk powder 2 tbsp
  11. Tomato paste 2 tbsp
  12. Coriander crushed 1 tsp
  13. Salt 1 tsp
  14. Sesame seeds 1 tsp
  15. Peanuts 6 to 8
  16. Chili powder 1 tsp
  • Heat oil add ginger garlic paste, crushed red pepper, chili powder, salt, crushed coriander, tomato paste, fry well, add chicken cubes, fry for 5 minutes add half cup water, cover and cook for 10 minutes, open and add all vegetables, cook for another 5 minutes, serve with garlic rice.
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