Rohu Machli Ka Salan Recipe in Urdu

Rohu Machli Ka Salan is a popular recipe from Desi Pakistani cuisine. It is prepared usually during the winter season. Ingredients like Rohu Machli, cloves, gram flour, ginger, haldi, red chili, salt, onion, and yogurt are used to give this recipe spicy and traditional aroma and taste. Rohu Machli Ka Salan recipe is quite a healthy and tasty dish that contains lot of health benefits, especially for hair. It can be prepared by following the method step by step mentioned on this page. You can easily prepare Rohu Machli Ka Salan at home and serve it with Roti or Chapatti. The housewives can easily access Rohu Machli Ka Salan recipe online from this page. This Salan is a significant meal present at the menu card of all the leading restaurants and dhabba.

Rohu Machli Ka Salan Recipe in Urdu

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Hifsa from Karachi
روہو مچھلی کا سالن (INGREDIENTS)
  1. مچھلی ایک کلو
  2. بیسن ایک چھٹانک
  3. لونگیں تین عدد
  4. ادرک ایک تولہ
  5. ہلدی نوماشہ
  6. گھی ایک پاؤ
  7. دھنیا تین تولہ
  8. پیاز، دہی ایک ایک پاؤ
  9. لال مرچ چار تولہ
  10. نمک حسب ذائقہ
  • مچھلی کا کانٹا نکال کر گوشت کے پارچے کر لیں اور ان پر پسا ہوا مصالحہ مع بیسن لیپ دیں۔ پھر پتیلی میں تھوڑا پانی ڈال کر ان پارچوں کو ابال لیں۔ جب ابالیں جائیں تولونگ کا بھگار دے کر دھنیے کے پانی میں پکائیں اور دہی ڈال کرمزید لعاب پیدا کر یں۔ اگر کانٹا مچھلی سے نکالنا ہو تو دو ماشہ کچا سہاگہ پیٹھے کے عرق میں ملائیں اورمچھلی کے ٹکڑوں کو اس میں ایک دن تک ڈوبا رہنے دیں۔
Reviews & Discussions

I have seen the many recipe of Machli Ka Salan and this is also very yummilicious recipe of Fish Curry and now I want to make it for mine family

  • Hania , Karachi
  • Mon 14 Dec, 2020

Me and my family love to eat fish. I often make Rohu machli ka salan for my friends and family.

  • naz, rawalpindi
  • Tue 26 Nov, 2019

I am making first time the salan of Rohu Machli, noting the complete ingredients with every steps. Let see how much I am success to make it delicious.

  • ghazal, khi
  • Sun 17 Nov, 2019

Rohu machli ka salan is very tasty and delicious salan good recipe lovely dish

  • Irfan, Karachi
  • Mon 18 Feb, 2019

This fish salan is one of the best salan ever that mine mother makes that very well with the delicious taste

  • kashaf, karachi
  • Wed 30 Jan, 2019

Nice recipe i like a rahu fish is very tasty i will try a last night thankyou

  • Hamza, karachi
  • Thu 10 Jan, 2019

I love the sea food at this restaurant near my house so i decided to make one but this doesn't say which boneless fish is being used

  • Rafeeq, Lahore
  • Wed 19 Dec, 2018

We love this recipe of fish salan . I think I'll try to reduce the amount of salt next time though. There is so much flavor that it doesn't need as much salt.

  • Rani, Lahore
  • Sat 15 Dec, 2018

Rohu Machli Ka Salan its a healthy recipe is a tasty fish recipe which is quite easy in preparation and its a winters and its for and all new and its a unique and tasty seafood recipe is quite easy to make it.

  • rabia, lalamusa
  • Fri 30 Nov, 2018

I tried this Fish Saalan recipe and enjoyed the taste,because Its Looking delicious taste at home.The taste was feel like it was spicy at all with the good teste and delicious is a weekend and special occasion favorite and my whole family also love it.

  • Muskan, Larkana
  • Fri 09 Nov, 2018