Accountability-the Nation's cry

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

If we want to restore our position among the comity of nations as a respectable nation, we will have to develop a strong sense and system of accountability and self analysis. Time has come; we are to decide whether we develop our sense of accountability or fly with the drifts of wind where it wants to take us. Owing to the changing world scenario that later option can no more help us in keeping our sovereignty and independence intact. One day or the other the strong drifts of wind will capsize us and give us in the hands of those who will be morally good to us believing in strong sense of accountability.

Unfortunately, if we look at the chequered history of our nation, we have opted for the second choice—at the mercy of the blowing winds where to take us. Perhaps, owing to the changing circumstances, fortune may not side us any more. Prayers and supplications may not help us in our survival any more as it has been doing for the last sixty years.

And for the last eight years we have been pricked from every side reminding us the natural lesson of accountability and self-appraisal. We have been torture by the state agencies, kept in starvation by snatching our food from us, kept us in dark by cutting our power supply and above all killed in no crime for the appeasement of others.

Thanks to the Feb. 18 elections that provide an opportunity to the nation to decide whether it want to be at the mercy of the blowing wind or opted for a change. The nation cast its vote in favor of those who were claiming and were crying for a change.

The nation has fulfilled its responsibility. Now it is up to the representatives whether they give us relief and mental peace by a fair play and justice or remain obsessed with increasing their bank balances in foreign banks and acquiring plots in ever capital city of the country.

The nation is also anxious to see whether our new leaders, who were bitterly crying during their election campaign before the voters to come to the polling stations and cast their votes for the change, bring to the book all those who make the country a jungle where every kind of atrocity was done to its citizens?

In short, whether those who take our country ten years back in the race of progress will be brought to justice? Who made every transgression in the constitution in order to fulfill their agenda of enslaving this nation? Who even did not hesitate from bulldozing the judiciary which was hindering their way of atrocities? The nation will compromise with our newly elected representatives in every thing like dearness of life commodities; load shedding, unemployment and even scarcity of atta (flour) if they assure us bringing our tormentors to justice.

Abu Shahab
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