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Lahore Qalandars honor mountaineer Kashif Shehroze

03 May, 2023

 Lahore Qalandars honor mountaineer Kashif Shehroze

LAHORE-Young mountaineer Shehroze Kashif, who recently made history by becoming the youngest Pakistani to climb the world’s most dangerous peak, Annapurna, has met with Chief Executive Officer of PSL Champion Lahore Qalandars Atif Rana here at the Qalandars Headquarters. 

During the meeting, Kashif presented Atif Rana a commemorative photo, in which he hoisted the flag of Lahore Qalandars at the top of the peak, while in return, Kashif was presented with a souvenir trophy from CEO of Lahore Qalandars.

Expressing his admiration for the young climber, Atif Rana said, “Shehroze Kashif risking his life at a young age is making the country famous. We must pay tribute to him for his courage and bravery.” He also called on the government and society to support Kashif in his future endeavors, stating, “We must go ahead and support Shehroze.”

Assuring Kashif of his team’s support, Atif Rana said, “All possible cooperation will be done with Shehroze Kashif from the platform of Lahore Qalandars.” 

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Kashif, a Lahore native and self-professed fan of the Lahore Qalandars, responded by saying, “I voluntarily hoisted the flag of Lahore Qalandars after the flag of Pakistan. Lahore Qalandars is my favorite team, and the way they bring out young talent is commendable. I thank them for the way they appreciated me.”

Kashif’s feat has made him a national hero, and he has received praise from all corners of the country. With his determination and bravery, he has become an inspiration to the youth of the country, and his meeting with Atif Rana is sure to inspire even more young people to pursue their dreams.
