White Chili Chicken Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

White Chili Chicken recipe by Zubaida Tariq. This delightful recipe of White Chili Chicken can be ready in Minutes and good to serve around People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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Amira from Hyderabad
  1. Chicken (pieces)½ kg
    Onion chopped2
    Oil 8 tbsp
    Yoghurt½ cup
    Cream ½ cup
    Green Chilies (split)4 – 5
    Ginger Garlic Paste1 tsp
    Black Pepper Powder1 tsp
    Cashew Nut Powder 1 tbsp
    Poppy Seeds Powder 1 tbsp
    Red Chili Powder 1 tsp
    Coriander leaves (chopped) hand full
    Salt to taste
    1. First marinate the chicken in yogurt, ginger garlic paste, salt and pepper for two hours.
      Take a pan and heat oil in it, once it is hot, add onions and fry till slightly brown. Gently put in the marinated chicken pieces and fry till the oil separates. Add cashew nut, red chili powder and poppy seeds powder to thicken the gravy.
      Now put in the split green chilies and salt. Cook on a medium flame till the chicken is done. Turn off the gas and add the cream. Garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves.
Reviews & Discussions

Last weekend my husband wanted to eat some different dish, he insists me to make some new that is why I get the full advantage of this recipe portal, with the help of it I made White Chili Chicken according to the recipe by Zubaida Tariq.

  • ulfat, khi
  • Tue 11 Apr, 2017