Urdu Dictionary

Use an online Dictionary to enhance your vocabulary. Dictionary provides a better understanding of communication and knowledge. Translate the required word in different languages online. Learn new words and find the simple meaning of any difficult word in Urdu or any other language with this online dictionary.

Multi Language Dictionary
Backbite Synonyms & Definition
  1. (v. i.) To censure or revile the absent.
  2. (v. i.) To wound by clandestine detraction; to censure meanly or spitefully (an absent person); to slander or speak evil of (one absent).

Urdu Dictionary

Dictionary is a daily essential for learning new languages or to understand a different language. Urdu Dictionary helps to improve linguistic skills by providing the desired word’s exact meaning. It is widely used in Pakistani areas especially Karachi. Urdu is also the mother tongue of Pakistan, so an Online Urdu dictionary is a great help to learn English, Arabic, or any other language. With the world’s evolution, communication evolves as well. Till now around 6500 languages are spoken all across the globe whereas an Urdu dictionary online would be a great help to understand the new ways of communication.

Hamariweb has brought an amazing platform for everyone in search of learning a new skill or looking for an Urdu dictionary for any particular purpose. All the students and professionals can seek the information and the means of the words in Urdu. English to Urdu dictionary is the most used dictionary for learning purposes in Pakistan. However, visitors can also find other language dictionaries.