Close Of Play Meaning

(idiomatic) The end of the working day

Example: 2005, Karin Knorr-Cetina, Alex Preda, “Managing Dispersed”, in The sociology of financial markets[1], ISBN 9780199275595, page 246:
  In fact, in our global financial institution, close of play was taken to be 1615 EST with all subsequent trades going on to the next day
2006, Martin Richardson, “Delegation and Coaching”, in The People Management Clinic: Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions[2], ISBN 9781854183910, page 120:
  Ask yourself this question: If you delegate, will the task be done: [...] Sooner (completing the task earlier, e.g. this project will finish close of play Thursday if I delegate; if I do not, close of play Friday)
2008, Edward Docx, Pravda[3], ISBN 9780618534401, page 119:
  Your mother can be buried at the Smolensky graveyard on Vadilevsky, which is, I understand, in accordance with her wishes. That’s official as of close of play today.