AED to AFN Rate

18 Jun, 2024 - Today’s UAE Dirham AED to AFN Afghan Afghani currency exchange rate increased AFN 0.1504 or 0.782% on 18 Jun trading in currency conversion. Today’s live AED to AFN rate 19.3714, you can use following tool as a AED to AFN Currency Converter.

The UAE Dirham to Afghan Afghani currency conversion has a key significance. The exchange of different currencies such as UAE Dirham to Afghan Afghani or AED to AFN is a common practice in these countries. However, the UAE Dirham or AED is the main trading currency of Afghan Afghani. Whereas, UAE Dirham or AED is utilized as the main currency in the Afghan Afghani. The AFN to AED rate fluctuates on a daily basis.

1.00 UAE Dirham = 19.3714 Afghan Afghani

Updated: June 18 2024
AED to AFN Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 19.00 19.25
Low 19.00 0
Average 19.0000 20.2531
AED to AFN Rates History
Jun 18, 2024 AED To AFN 19.3714
Jun 17, 2024 AED To AFN 19.3702
Jun 16, 2024 AED To AFN 19.3702
Jun 15, 2024 AED To AFN 19.3702
Jun 14, 2024 AED To AFN 19.3610
Jun 13, 2024 AED To AFN 19.4116
Jun 12, 2024 AED To AFN 19.2006
Jun 11, 2024 AED To AFN 19.2210
Jun 10, 2024 AED To AFN 19.2606
Jun 09, 2024 AED To AFN 19.2606
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AED to AFN Rate – This page is an all in one platform for all key information related to the UAE Dirham to Afghani currency.

Afghanistan and United Arab Emirates are both Muslim countries. There are a large number of Afghan residents who are living in the United Arab Emirates for different purposes such as job, education, business, etc. However, the AED to AFN rate is crucial for these people. The UAE Dirham to Afghani currency rate gives them insight about the value of both local and international currency. On this page, you can read the detailed analysis of both currencies, Afghan Afghnai and United Arab Emirates Dirham.

The United Arab Emirates dirham, otherwise called essentially the Emirati dirham, is the cash of the United Arab Emirates. The term dirham is authoritatively contracted "AED", while informal shortenings incorporate "DH" or "Dhs.". The dirham is subdivided into 100 Fils. The name dirham is an Arabic word. Because of hundreds of years of exchange and use of the money, dirham made due through the Ottoman Empire.

The United Arab Emirates dirham was presented on 19 May 1973. It supplanted the Qatar and Dubai riyal at standard. The Qatar and Dubai riyal had flowed since 1966 in the majority of the Emirates aside from Abu Dhabi. Prior to 1966, every one of the Emirates that were to shape the UAE utilized the Gulf rupee. As in Qatar, the emirates quickly received the Saudi Riyal during the change from the Gulf Rupee to the Qatar and Dubai Riyal.

On 20 May 1973, the U.A.E. Money Board presented notes in divisions of 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 dirhams; a 1000 dirham note was given on 3 January 1976. A second arrangement of note was presented in 1982 which overlooked the 1 and 1000 dirham notes. 500 dirham notes were presented in 1983, trailed by 200 dirham in 1989. 1000 dirham notes were reintroduced in 2000. Banknotes are presently accessible in divisions of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 Dirhams.

On the other side, The Afghani is the cash of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which is given by the country's national bank called Da Afghanistan Bank. It is ostensibly subdivided into 100 Puls, in spite of the fact that there are no Pul coins at present available for use. In 2019, one U.S. dollar was traded for roughly 75 Afghanis.

The first Afghani was presented in 1925, supplanting the Afghan rupee that was utilized from 1891 and different monetary standards. Notwithstanding being subdivided into 100 Puls, 20 Afghanis were equivalent to one Amani. The pace of transformation from the rupee is in some cases cited as 1 Afghani = 1 rupee 6 Paisas, in view of the silver substance of the last rupee coins and the principal Afghani coins. The Afghani at first contained 9 grams of silver.

The new currency was reported by President Hamid Karzai on September 4, 2002, and was acquainted with the market on October 8, 2002. This fiscal change was generally welcomed by people in general as it was an indication of security and soundness, particularly the nation's reconstructing exertion. Individuals likewise never again needed to convey numerous packs of cash for customary things. It was the first run through in quite a while that a sole money was under the influence of the national bank rather than warlords. Most old banknotes were pulverized before the finish of 2002.

On 7 October 2002, banknotes were presented in divisions of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 Afghanis. The 1, 2 and 5 Afghani notes were supplanted by coins in 2005. In 2004 and 2008, the security includes on a few divisions were improved. In 2014 another 1000 Afghanis note was acquainted with avert fake notes.

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