The Messenger Pbuh Has

The Messenger P.B.U.H. has said: “My Ummah has been given five things in regards to Ramadan which has not been given to any other ummah before them. (One is) that the odour of the mouth of a fasting person is more fragrant according to ALLAH than musk. (The second is) that the angels continuously seek forgiveness on their behalf until they end their fast. (The third is) that ALLAH, the Mighty and Magnificent, everyday adorns His Heaven and then says (to it), ‘The time is near when My pious servants shall be freed from difficulties and (meager) provisions, and they will come to You. (The fourth is) that the shaytan will be shackled and restrained from performing the mischief that they can perform outside Ramadan. (The fifth is) that they (the fasting) will be forgiven on the last night of ramadan

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