How to get Best ever Selfies for Social Media?

How many photos of you are on your phone right now?

For your surprise, humans take almost 1 trillion photos a year! Shocking!

To put that in perspective, that’s quite a lot more photos every few minutes than in the entire 19th century. Lots of these photos are selfies—usually taken with a smart phone. As of this, around 300 million Instagram photos had been tagged as a selfie label.

The question arise, what does “selfie culture” say about the world we’re residing in, and how can viewing photos of ourselves and others help us understand one another better or make wise decisions?

Clicking selfies is a global phenomenon. Every time & everywhere you witness a selfie post pops up on social media account. Not just the common man but even the popular celebrities are not indifferent in this regard. They are equally crazy about clicking and posting selfies on their social media platforms. Witnessing so many selfies around, makes us wonder that are all selfies just a consequence of the fact that everyone has an access to camera? What exactly do selfies say about the people in front of the camera?

Why Click Selfies with an ordinary camera?

Finding the sense of accomplishment is a reason why the selfie has become such a crucial point in people's social lives. People like to capture almost everything they do in their lives in form of selfie and post them on social media sites where hundreds of friends & followers can view and comment on it. Quality of the image does make a difference. Poor resolution and blurred selfies are totally a turn off. An ordinary camera phone cannot suffice the need of amazing quality selfie. This made brands to focus their energies towards launching selfie expert phones that can facilitate the needs of selfie lovers.
How to click best ever selfie?

OPPO the renowned Chinese technology brand has taken the lead in launching some awesome selfie camera phones like OPPO F1, OPPO F1 plus, OPPO F1s, OPPO F3, and OPPO F3 Plus.
Being the selfie expert, the OPPO F3 is certainly the one of its kind. The 16 MP + 8 MP cameras with ultra wide angles are there to give you a perfect ‘Group Selfie’ experience. Larger groups of friends or family members can get under the frame of OPPO F3 for a memorable group selfie. This phone can surely get you some amazing selfies for your Face Book post that can earn you numerous likes and comments.


Wide angle dual camera based selfie system

The best thing about OPPO F3 is the dual-front camera setup, which consists of 16MP and 8MP cameras. The 16MP camera is used for standard, solo selfies, while the 8MP secondary camera sports a 120-degree wide angle lens. Certainly the selfie lovers will drool over this amazing camera feature as they can squeeze everyone from family or friends to come under its frame for a group selfie! You can tag all of them in your Face book post and enjoy the comments. The wide-angle lens also comes in handy when you are at a beautiful spot, and want more of the background in the shot. Such an awesome photo clicked by OPPO F3 will certainly get loads of appreciations if you upload on any social media platforms.


A 16MP front camera with F 2.0 for quality selfies in low-light

Social media freaks cannot miss out any moment to share on their social media accounts. For instance, if they clicked a selfie from the night dinner function then they cannot wait till they reach home to edit the brightness before uploading it. With OPPO F3 in hand, taking a selfie using 16 MP front snapper with f2.0 for brighter selfies even in low light conditions is just a piece of cake.


Beautify 4.0: Gives you Improved Selfies for your Instagram Post

Everyone wants to look gorgeous in their photos and selfies, and for that purpose OPPO F3’s Beautify 4.0 feature is there. Using it will beautify your looks making sure that your skin appears clear, bright eyes, and striking features. Tones, shadows, and lights are adjusted according to your skin color. There are various filters available for all imaginable scenarios. This gives you a perfect selfie that you can upload on your Face Book or Instagram account.



Social media sites have been connecting people and their lives together. People are using these platforms to express their feelings, happiness, sorrows, and opinions. Many people do so with the help of selfie posts.

What does this say about what they are trying to achieve with their selfies, and ultimately, their real intentions? It quickly becomes clear that one thing many people are looking for via their selfies is a boost to their self esteem. OPPO F3 has played a vital role in building social media bond and this works to fuel the desire for clicking more selfies.

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