What would happen if a sewing needle hits Earth at speed of light?

SuchTV  |  May 12, 2024

What would happen if a sewing needle hits Earth at speed of light?
Similarly, a video uploaded by the YouTube channel Ridddle has showcased three theoretical situations that might occur if a small sewing needle came flying at Earth at the speed of light from outer space.

It is important to note that the situations shown in the video were mere simulations of something that could not possibly occur, so it isn't sure what will happen in this event.

Here are the possibilities of what would happen with vastly different consequences.

Simulation One

The first simulation showed that even a 35mm sewing needle moving at such an absurdly high speed would have a devastating effect similar to that of an atomic bomb, resulting total and utter destruction to wherever it lands and the surrounding area.

Simulation Two

In an alternative scenario, the needle would not explode the planet on impact but it may seep into Earth's crust, creating a hole that allows plasma to engulf the Earth in insurmountable heat, killing every living thing before the planet is torn apart and eviscerated, which would be detrimental to humanity.

Simulation Three

In the third theoretical possibility, the needle could fly through one side of the Earth and out the other due to its shape and speed, with minimal effects on the world at large.

Ultimately, while some of these possibilities are better than others, let's just say we're lucky to live in a universe where needles can't move at the speed of light.

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