PKR 54999
Display 6.78"
Battery 6000 mAh
Camera 50 MP + 2 MP
Storage 256GB Built-in
There is huge list of mobile phones having Windows Operating System, you can have all the Windows Mobiles Phones whether Nokia, Samsung, either Sony or i mat or Acer Windows Mobiles. You will see all the Windows Mobile with complete specification and... (Last updated Saturday February 01, 2025)
There is no Mobile in this range. "Check other Brands' Mobiles."
There is huge list of mobile phones having Windows Operating System, you can have all the Windows Mobiles Phones whether Nokia, Samsung, either Sony or i mat or Acer Windows Mobiles. You will see all the Windows Mobile with complete specification and latest undated price in Pakistan.
It has all the basic features at a great low price, it can be used as a casual phone for sure!
I purchase it just for its high camera, which is overall great but i think it beautifies the pictures. i guess its a preinstall function.
This brand never disappoints me! using it since last year and it's working perfectly fine!