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Asus ZenWatch 2 WI501Q Reviews
Check Asus ZenWatch 2 WI501Q reviews and video reviews. Get all information about the Asus ZenWatch 2 WI501Q features and specifications. The Asus ZenWatch 2 WI501Q review gives a better idea about the mobile phone’s performance. Get in-depth analysis of phone’s screen size, processor, RAM, camera resolution, and battery timing through Asus ZenWatch 2 WI501Q video review.
Display 1.63
Battery 400 mAh
Camera No
Storage 4 GB, 512 MB RAM
Asus ZenWatch 2 WI501Q User Reviews & Feedback
I want to know that there is also an internal memory where I can save any thing which I want to listen or it can just control with the help of smart android function, this zenwatch is more stylish.
- sanam , khi
This concept of Smartwatches will not going to work in Pakistan because many people are not even using smartphone here so how can they use smartwatch.
- Deena , Karachi