How to hide text messages on an Android Mobile Phones

No matter what, charm of text messages is never fading! It is still the most used medium to communicate. Either you have to catch up with old friends after a long time, or inform your boss at the very last minute about coming late to office, text message is the fastest reliable medium to opt for.

It is natural that every user will have sensitive conversation of both personal and professional nature, which they don’t wish to be exposed to prying eyes. Therefore, keeping your conversations private is of major concern for the users. For this reason, the users can go beyond the Android lock screen for protecting your text messages.

This article will help you to explore various ways to protect your text messages from going public. Let’s begin:


Private Message Box

Private Message Box is the best way to hide your SMS, MMS, and call logs of private contacts. The privacy of the users is the utmost preference. You can hide your text from unauthorized access. Even if anyone has got hold of your phone will not be able to see your texts. Private Message Box not just hides your messages secretly, but it can also hide itself. The app asks the users whether they want to hide it during the initial stages. This function can also be carried out from within the app’s setting.

In order to avail this feature, you need to set Private Message Box as your default SMS application. This app asks this during the initial stage and incase the users choose to skip then it is asked for later. For fully installing the app, you have to add contacts whose messages you need to keep private and later send messages to them within the app.

Message Locker

Message Locker is a specialized application available at Google Play that is effective to keep your messages private and away from curious people around you. In case you have to lend over a phone to a friend or to your curious mother who'd love to know what you're up to, Message Locker is here to help. It secures and adds a PIN / Pattern lock to all your messaging and email apps present on your device.

Message locker ensures that your messages and emails are safe from being accessed by anyone using your phone for time being. This app would be blessing in disguise for those who have to lend their phones during office meetings. Message locker app is operated by locking and assigning a password to all your messaging, SMS, chat, texting, email apps on your device. It does this by simply adding a PIN / Pattern to enter any of your messaging and SMS apps. Without the PIN/Pattern no one can see your private messages.

Private Space

Private Space is yet another privacy protection app that is known for hiding your selected contacts, messages and call logs that you do not want others to see.This app is effective for hiding all your sensitive information. Private Space app makes a personal space on your device where you can add all your desired contacts. By doing so, every activity of private contacts including the incoming/outgoing messages(SMS & MMS) and call logs will be kept in that personal space without showing any clue in normal message box or call log history.Another magic of this app is that it can even hide its app icon so that nobody will notice the existence of Private Space.



Vault is a dedicated mobile app which aims to hide all private information like pictures, SMS, videos, call logs and contacts present on your phone. Currently, there are more than 100 million Vault users worldwide who protect their mobile privacy while enjoying App Lock, Private Bookmark, Incognito Browser, Cloud Backup and many other helpful features for completely free.

Hide SMS

Hide SMS is the last one in our list. It picks the messages you need to keep safe and bold them behind a PIN. Use Hide content option to secure your private messages. Main features of Hide SMS includes that all the incoming messages for concealed conversations directly go to Keep Safe vault. Secondly, there is an unlimited space for the storage of hidden texts, and lastly the option to hide app from the launcher is available.


The above mentioned apps are all effective at hiding your sensitive text messages from the Android device. Apps like Private Message Box and Private SMS and Call allow you to hide their icons making them quite distinct.Vault allows for the locking of text messages, pictures, and videos generally as a complete privacy app.Message Locker locks all of your messaging apps such as Whatsapp which is awesome.

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