FedEx Tracking Number

FedEx Tracking is widely and previously known as Federal Express, it is created for express distribution globally. It marks its print in the global market, offering convenient, timely, and fast delivery over more than 220 countries and regions. It is the world’s biggest express carrier cooperate, which offers its clients a vast number of services with fast and reliable benefits to more than 4.0M orders per day.

How to Use Standard FedEx Tracking

If you are looking for a simple and direct FedEx tracking method, just type your order tracking number on the official site of FedEx Tracking page. With this service, the user can keep an eye on their multiple packages status simultaneously. It provides real-time delivery and info updates.

How to Check FedEx by Tracking Number

This whole procedure is solely based on a specific FedEx tracking number. Things to remember:

  • This tracking number is a special code and all of the shipment info is encrypted in it. Whereas, every order is linked with this specific code and offered to users at the time of shipment or purchasing an eCommerce.
  • Moreover, FedEx tracking number is always created out of digits like 12-digit number, sometimes 10-digit, 15-digit, or 22-digit number.
  • There are almost no letters in the FedEx tracking numbers. The user can find this FedEx tracking number via email after completing the purchase or when shipping the parcel at a physical FedEx place.

Additional Tracking Methods

FedEx Express also offers their clients other additional tracking ways to adjust diverse needs:

  • Track by Reference: the customer can use a reference number, for example, a purchase order or invoice number, to check the shipment's details.
  • Track by Door Tag Number: when delivery is attempted there will be a door tag left at the home doorstep. The user can utilise the door tag number to monitor their package.
  • FedEx Mobile App: the user can simply download the FedEx Mobile app to easily track shipments, get notifications, and benefits with FedEx Delivery Manager® features on the go.

Key Features of FedEx Tracking

Let’s dive into the depth of FedEx tracking features to learn insight services:

FedEx Tracking International

The clients can take advantage of FedEx tracking international services by monitoring parcel delivery across boundaries with accuracy. It can be the USA, Canada, Pakistan, or the UK, FedEx makes shipping at your fingertips by offering detailed status even including customs clearance info.

FedEx Tracking from China

If you want to know whether your order sail to China or not! You can track down the movement with the help of FedEx tracking or Door Tag number service.

  • Visit the official website of FedEx.
  • Just type the Door Tag code into the search bar.
  • And the system will display the details of your package from various Chinese delivery companies.
  • It will also allow the users a real-time movement of the package and its arriving time in your country.

FedEx Delivery Manager

The customers can now have power over their shipments with the FedEx Delivery Manager. Receive notifications, modify delivery timing, or shift shipment location to the nearest and most convenient FedEx site.

Advanced Shipment Tracking for Businesses

FedEx tracking can be used for business purposes where handling a stack of shipments becomes hectic. Therefore, FedEx’s Advanced shipment tracking service gives well organized solution:

  • Monitor Multiple Shipments
  • Personalized Dashboard
  • Email Notifications

FedEx Mobile App

Now the clients can stay up-to-date everywhere with the Fedex Mobile App!

  • Simply download the app from the App Store on your phone.
  • You can track your shipments, can check FedEx tracking numbers, and also set delivery choices.

FedEx SmartPost Returns Tracking

Moreover, the person can also use the FedEx SmartPost Return service for tracking their packages with the website or via the iOS/Android Apps. The key points to remember are:

  • The FedEx Return tracking number commonly has 20 digits. For Intelligent Mail package barcode (IMpb) barcodes start with “023” or “58” for non-IMpb barcodes.
  • Simply, find your FedEx tracking number, input it into the search bar, and press the button of "Track Package.”
  • You will get real-time info about your parcel return delivery.
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