Grameenphone Balance Check

Grameenphone Ltd (GP) is one of the largest telecom operators in Bangladesh. It is very well-known and has 54.5 million subscribers. The company is a non-profit sister organisation of microfinance and community development bank, Grameen Bank. It is allied with Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation.

If you are searching for how to perform a Grameenphone balance check (GP), then you are in the right place! The telecom has various simple methods for their users to check their Grameenphone balance. It ensures that the person stays updated about their expenses and uses them wisely.  Here's how to check your GP balance:

Balance TypeDial CodeDescription
Main Account Balance*566#Check your main account balance. Your current balance will be displayed on your screen.
Internet (MB) Balance1211*4#Check your remaining data balance (MB).
Minute Balance1211*2#Check your remaining talk time in minutes.
SMS Balance5662#Check your remaining SMS count.
Own Number Check*2#Display your Grameenphone number on the screen.

Using USSD Codes for GP Balance Check

It is the most convenient method to perform a Grameenphone balance check. If you are a new user, you can directly dial the following code to get the account's details:

  • For the Main Account Balance, just dial the code *566# and press the call button. Your current balance will be displayed on your screen.
  • Internet (MB) Balance: Dial 1211*4# and press the call button to view your remaining data balance.
  • Minute Balance: Dial 1211*2# to check your remaining talk time in minutes.
  • SMS Balance: Dial 5662# to see your remaining SMS count.
  • Own Number Check: Dial *2# to display your GP number on the screen.

Using the My Grameenphone Balance Check App

Another easy method through which the Grameenphone user can check their Grameenphone balance is the MyGP app. It is a user-friendly medium to handle the GP account efficiently.

  • First, you need to download and install the MyGP app from the phone App Store.
  • After installation, open the app and log in or sign up using your GP number.
  • Once logged in, go to the "Balance" section to see the main account of Grameenphone balance, internet data, remaining minutes, and SMS count.
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