Election Result 2024 Winner

Mar 26, 2025 - Hafizabad, NA-67 Election Result 2024 update in progress. There are 24 candidates participating in the 2024 general election in NA-67 Hafizabad. Aniqa Mehdi IND-PTI is the winner, he is at top position of election result by receiving 208943 votes, Second position is Saira Afzal Tarar of PML-N. The Third positions is Syed Muhammad Atta ul Hassnain TLP of NA-67.
NA-67 Election Winnner 2024
Position Candidates Party Votes
1 Aniqa Mehdi IND-PTI flag 208943
2 Saira Afzal Tarar PML-N flag 183020
3 Syed Muhammad Atta ul H.. TLP flag 23516
4 Muhammad Shoaib Bhatti IND flag 11125
5 Syed Waseem ul Hassan N.. PPPP flag 3866
6 Aniqa Anwar Cheema IND flag 3237
7 Adil Hussain MML flag 1244
8 Hassan Sher IND flag 904
9 Liaqat Abbas IND flag
10 Imran Abbas Bhatti IND flag
11 Syed Shoaib Shahnawaz IND flag
12 Zahra Jabeen IND flag
13 Aslam Hayat IND flag
14 Muzafar Hussain Tarar IND flag
15 Faiz ul Hassan JUI-N flag
16 Asmat Ullah PML-Z flag
17 Samia Kousar IND flag
18 Rana Shafqat Javed IND flag
19 Akhtar Hussain IND flag
20 Aoun Abbas NP flag
21 Syed Zaheer ul Hassan B.. IND flag
22 zulfiqar Haider IND flag
23 Ihsan Ullah IND flag
24 Mazhar Hussain MQM-P flag
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NA-67 Election Result 2024 - Hafizabad

Looking for the scoop on the NA-67 candidate list 2024 and what's shaking with the NA-67 election result 2024? Look no further! We're here to break it down for you in simple terms.

Wondering who's running from the major parties like PTI, PMLN, PPP, MQM-P, JUI, JI, ANP, and TLP? We'll give you the details on the Hafizabad NA-67 PTI candidate, NA-67 PMLN candidate, and NA-67 PPP candidate. No matter who you support, we'll keep you informed with the latest updates.

We go deeper into the electoral process than just listing the candidates. Want to understand how things work and what past trends might tell us about the future? We've got historical data from previous elections in NA-67 Hafizabad, going back to 2002. See how the political landscape has changed over time.

And to top it all off, you'll get live updates and analysis throughout the election. Our resource guarantees that you are informed at every stage, regardless of your level of interest in politics or democracy. So don't miss out on the excitement. Bookmark this page and keep tuned for the official NA-67 election results in 2024.

Reviews & Comments

MY DEAR IMRAN KHAN SAHIB CHAIRMAN PAKISTAN TEHRIK INSAF BANI GALA, ISLAMABAD SUBJECT, HEARTIEST CONGRATULATION ON WINNING ELECTION 2018 =============================== AOA, R/Sir, It is heartiest congratulation to you and your all most true & faithful members of PTI on winning on winning 123 Nos of seats of National Assembly. It is because of your most continously day and night hard work that PTI has defeated all most corrupted members of political parties R/sir All the ex-rulers have never considered themselves that how to rule & to develop this Islamic country of pakistan in most efficient way nd to serve and redress the genuine problems of the peoples of this Islamic Country of Pakistan R/Sir, All the most suffered (MAZLOOM) poor peoples of this islamic country of Pakistan become most disheartest and they are praying to GREAT ALLAH to send one true person ( REHMAT KA FARISHTA) to restore INSSANIYAT ,HARAFAT, & JUSTICE in this Islami Country of Pakistan R/Sir, And that is it is you only true person who can stear this islamic country of Pakistan toward the shore of the land of INSANIYAT to foem a real Islamic country and new Pakistan . R/Sir, It is the main reason that all the most Suffered (MAZLOOM PERSONS) have cast their votes in favour of your PTI with a hope that you will surely serve the most suffered people of Pakistan in most sincerely way R/Sir, Hence as a most true friend to you, I will request you to kindly serve this country of Pakistan in most efficient way by crushing all corruptions ,henious crimes etc because it is a last chance to save Pakistan R/Sir, My useful suggestions to form a New Pakistan are as under 1)- First of all, Kindly introduce one officially URDU & ENGLISH news papers so that so that most suffered (MAZLOOM) peoples may convet their greivances through your officially newspapers 2)- Kindly set up a special Complaint cell in your office so that all the genuine complaints should be redressed promptly and justice should be provided to most suffered peoples of Pakistan 3)- But it is most necessary that most worst working system of all government departments should be improved on top priority basis by taking most stern action against all those officers who are not compliancing all pending Dak within one week . Hence most cruel officers should be terminated from government service and put them all such most cruel officers in jail for ten years so that all others most cruel officers should learn the lesson of INsaniyat R/Sir, Without terminating most cruel inefficient officers of the government department and specially most cruel officers of Wapda, the working system of the government department can not be improved for ever R/Sir, I hope that you will surely rule in most efficient ways and will make pakistan one of the most strong and developed country of the world and you will make pakistan a good model of INSANIYAT & JUSTICE so that one most excellant and true islamic democratic government should be set up in Pakistan R/Sir, All the most suffered peoples of pakistan are with you and GREAT ALLAH will help you to serve the people of pakistan in most sincerely way THANKING YOU YOUR MOST TRUE FRIEN RAJA GHAZANFAR ALI KHAN ADOWALIYA MA (Political Science) PRESS ESSAy Writer & SOCIAL WORKER HOUSE-5, STREET NO-10, IQBAL TOWN, RAWALPINDI Date 26-07-2018 ========================= .

  • on 26, July 2018

Now the whole we easily get checkout the whole Pakistan assembly voting list form the online way and here provide the NA-67 details for knowing us

  • By: layba, From: multan
  • on 24, July 2018

Disclaimer: NA-67 Election result 2024 has been announced but is considered to be unofficial. We do not claim the authenticity of the results. Election Commission of Pakistan is authorized to announce the final result only.