The name of Arif Hameed Bhatti does not need any introduction. He is a senior Investigative journalist, analyst, columnist, and anchorperson. Currently, he is serving as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Gourmet News Network (GNN). He also hosts a program on GNN related to news and current affairs. Previously, he served as the Bureau Chief of ARY News Lahore for several years.
Arif Hameed Bhatti Age
Arif Hameed Bhatti was born on November 13, 1981. He will reach the age of 40 in year 2021.
Arif Hameed Bhatti Salary
The pay scale of Arif Hameed Bhatti is good as he is in on a senior post and is regarded among the popular names in the field of Journalism. However, his exact salary is not confirmed.
Arif Hameed Bhatti Columns
Up till, Arif Hameed Bhatti has written several columns and news articles. The name of his written book is Mudakhlat.
Arif Hameed Bhatti Wife
There is not much information available about the wife of Arif Hameed Bhatti.
Arif Hameed Bhatti Contact Number
The phone number of Arif Hameed Bhatti is not confirmed. However, you can contact with him over social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and others.
Arif Hameed Bhatti Twitter
Arif Hameed Bhatti has an official account on Twitter. The account name is @arifhameed15. You can see his tweets at
Arif Hameed Bhatti YouTube
Arif Hameed Bhatti also runs his own YouTube channel. The name of channel is Arif Hameed Bhatti and here is the link:
What is the age of Arif Hameed Bhatti?
Arif Hameed Bhatti age is 44 Years, his date of birth Nov 13, 1981, horoscope (will update soon), place of birth Pakistan, nationality as Pakistani and residence Karachi, Pakistan.
When is Arif Hameed Bhatti birthday?
Arif Hameed Bhatti birthday is celebrated on November 13, 1981.
What is the Profession of Arif Hameed Bhatti?
Arif Hameed Bhatti is an Pakistani Journalist by profession.
Who is Arif Hameed Bhatti's wife?
Arif Hameed Bhatti wife or spouse name is (will update soon).
Who is Arif Hameed Bhatti's Parents?
Arif Hameed Bhatti father name is (will update soon) and mother name (will update soon).
Who is Arif Hameed Bhatti's siblings?
Arif Hameed Bhatti siblings name is (will update soon).
What is the net worth of Arif Hameed Bhatti?
Arif Hameed Bhatti net worth is $64 - $1.4K.
What is Arif Hameed Bhatti education?
Arif Hameed Bhatti education is Journalism.
What is the height of Arif Hameed Bhatti?
Arif Hameed Bhatti height is 5 feet 8 inches.
What is the weight of Arif Hameed Bhatti?
Arif Hameed Bhatti weight (will update soon).