Dr KV Premlal

Dr KV Premlal Biography

Dr KV Premlal is a famous Indian Doctor, who was born on in Kannur, India. Find Dr KV Premlal age, wife, net worth, height, weight, education, career, family, images, biography & more updates. Get information about Dr KV Premlal’s all key achievements or accomplishments, including professional and personal life detail.

Dr KV Premlal Info

Edit Info
Date of Birth (will update soon)
Age 46 years
Birth Place Kannur, India
Death Saturday, Jul 27, 2024
Residence Kannur, India
Country India
Profession Doctor
Education MBBS
Father Dr A V Govindan
Mother K V Prema
Nationality Indian
Siblings (will update soon)
Brother (will update soon)
Religion Hinduism
Spouse Dr Smija Aravind
Horoscope (will update soon)
Weight 69 KG
Height 5 feet 8 inches
Net Worth (will update soon)
Category Miscellaneous
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Personal Profile About Dr KV Premlal

Dr. KV Premlal is a doctor from Kanpur. Dr. KV Premlal biography is a testament to his remarkable life, highlighting his unwavering dedication to neurosurgery and his community. KV Premlal biography delves into his early life, born in Kannur, and chronicles his educational pursuits and professional journey, showcasing his evolution as a renowned neurosurgeon. Through Dr. KV Premlal biography, we gain insight into his profound impact on healthcare and his unexpected passion for motorsports, making it a fascinating read that celebrates his achievements and legacy. Dr. KV Premlal Wikipedia is being updated at HW. Dr. KV Premlal Wikipedia here highlights his achievements as a neurosurgeon as well as the head of the neurology department at Payyannur Taluk Hospital.

Dr. KV Premlal Died

Dr. KV Premlal died on July 27, 2024 at the age of 46 years, during the Blue Band FMSCI Indian National Car Rally Championship in Coimbatore. Dr. KV Premlal died while participating in the event, which was a significant loss to the medical community. The news that Dr. KV Premlal died has deeply affected his colleagues and patients.

Dr. KV Premlal Cause of Death

Dr. KV Premlal’s cause of death was a sudden cardiac arrest. Dr. KV Premlal’s cause of death occurred during a break in the rally when he experienced chest pain. Despite immediate medical attention, Dr. KV Premlal’s cause of death was confirmed at the hospital.

What is the age of Dr KV Premlal?

Dr KV Premlal age is 46 years, his date of birth , horoscope (will update soon), place of birth Kannur, India, nationality as Indian and residence Kannur, India.

What is the Profession of Dr KV Premlal?

Dr KV Premlal is an Indian Doctor by profession.

Who is Dr KV Premlal's wife?

Dr KV Premlal wife or spouse name is Dr Smija Aravind.

Who is Dr KV Premlal's Parents?

Dr KV Premlal father name is Dr A V Govindan and mother name K V Prema.

Who is Dr KV Premlal's siblings?

Dr KV Premlal siblings name is (will update soon).

What is the net worth of Dr KV Premlal?

Dr KV Premlal net worth is (will update soon).

What is Dr KV Premlal education?

Dr KV Premlal education is MBBS.

What is the height of Dr KV Premlal?

Dr KV Premlal height is 5 feet 8 inches.

What is the weight of Dr KV Premlal?

Dr KV Premlal weight 69 KG.

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