Ella Laxa-Pangilinan, a renowned Instagram Star, entered the world on July 13, 1996, in the United States. Widely recognized as a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger, she operates under her self-titled website, Ella Pangilinan. Achieving fame on Instagram, Ella has garnered a substantial following, exceeding 90,000 and continuing to grow.
Hailing from the United States, Ella Lexa shares common ground with other popular fashion and lifestyle bloggers, including Lydia Elise Millen. Read Ella Laxa-Pangilinan biography
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan Age
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan was born on July 13, 1996 in the United States. Ella Laxa-Pangilinan age is 27 years with zodiac sign Cancer. She has become a notable personality as an Instagram Star.
What is the age of Ella Laxa-Pangilinan ?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan age is 29 Years, her date of birth Jul 13, 1996, horoscope Cancer, place of birth United States, nationality as United States and residence United States.
When is Ella Laxa-Pangilinan birthday?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan birthday is celebrated on July 13, 1996.
What is the Profession of Ella Laxa-Pangilinan ?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan is an United States Youtuber by profession.
Who is Ella Laxa-Pangilinan 's husband?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan husband or spouse name is Enrique Miranda.
Who is Ella Laxa-Pangilinan 's Parents?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan father name is Anthony Laxa-Pangilinan and mother name Marcel Laxa-Pangilinan.
Who is Ella Laxa-Pangilinan 's siblings?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan siblings name is Donny Pangilinan, Hannah Pangilinan, Benjamin Pangilinan.
What is the net worth of Ella Laxa-Pangilinan ?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan net worth is $1 million to $5 million.
What is Ella Laxa-Pangilinan education?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan education is Graduated.
What is the height of Ella Laxa-Pangilinan ?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan height is 5 feet 6 inches.
What is the weight of Ella Laxa-Pangilinan ?
Ella Laxa-Pangilinan weight 57 kg.