Emre Bey biography was born on May 9, 1997, in Istanbul, Turkey, a Turkish actor known for his roles in the TV series "Adi Efsane" (2017) and "Don't Let Go of My Hand" (2018). His father's family came from Albania to Yugoslavia. Emre learned acting at the Craft Acting Workshop and started his career in 2015 in the TV series "Ask Zamani" (2015).
Emre Bey Age
Emre Bey was born on May 9, 1997 in Istanbul, Turkey. Emre Bey Age is 26 years old under the Taurus zodiac sign. He is a young by personality.
Emre Bey Wife
If we search about Emre Bey wife then, we come to know he is not married and not engaged as well. He did not reveal any relationship yet.
Emre Bey Religion
Emre Bey religion is Muslim and by nationality belongs to Turkey. Although he lives in turkey but belongs to Muslim community.
Emre Bey Height
Emre Bey height stands at 5 feet and 11 inches, which is approximately (180 cm) and has a weight of 65 kg. His physique is so good according to his personality.
What is the age of Emre Bey?
Emre Bey age is 28 Years, his date of birth May 09, 1997, horoscope Taurus, place of birth İstanbul, Turkey, nationality as Turkish and residence İstanbul, Turkey.
When is Emre Bey birthday?
Emre Bey birthday is celebrated on May 09, 1997.
What is the Profession of Emre Bey?
Emre Bey is an Turkish Actor, Model by profession.
Who is Emre Bey's wife?
Emre Bey wife or spouse name is (will update soon).
Who is Emre Bey's Parents?
Emre Bey father name is (will update soon) and mother name (will update soon).
Who is Emre Bey's siblings?
Emre Bey siblings name is (will update soon).
What is the net worth of Emre Bey?
Emre Bey net worth is $1 million to $5 million.
What is Emre Bey education?
Emre Bey education is Graduated.
What is the height of Emre Bey?
Emre Bey height is 5 feet 9 inches.
What is the weight of Emre Bey?
Emre Bey weight 70 KG.