Ezechiel Banzuzi

Ezechiel Banzuzi Biography

Ezechiel Banzuzi is a famous Dutch Footballer, who was born on Feb 16, 2005 in Zwijndrecht, Netherlands. Find Ezechiel Banzuzi age, wife, net worth, height, weight, education, career, family, images, biography & more updates. Get information about Ezechiel Banzuzi’s all key achievements or accomplishments, including professional and personal life detail.

Ezechiel Banzuzi Info

Edit Info
Date of Birth Feb 16, 2005
Age 20 Years
Birth Place Zwijndrecht, Netherlands
Residence Zwijndrecht, Netherlands
Country Netherlands
Profession Footballer
Education Graduated
Father (will update soon)
Mother (will update soon)
Nationality Dutch
Siblings (will update soon)
Brother (will update soon)
Religion Christianity
Spouse (will update soon)
Horoscope Aquarius
Weight 72 KG
Height 6 feet 3 inches (1.91 m)
Net Worth (will update soon)
Category Sports Players and Athletes
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Personal Profile About Ezechiel Banzuzi

What is the age of Ezechiel Banzuzi?

Ezechiel Banzuzi age is 20 Years, his date of birth Feb 16, 2005, horoscope Aquarius, place of birth Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, nationality as Dutch and residence Zwijndrecht, Netherlands.

When is Ezechiel Banzuzi birthday?

Ezechiel Banzuzi birthday is celebrated on February 16, 2005.

What is the Profession of Ezechiel Banzuzi?

Ezechiel Banzuzi is an Dutch Footballer by profession.

Who is Ezechiel Banzuzi's wife?

Ezechiel Banzuzi wife or spouse name is (will update soon).

Who is Ezechiel Banzuzi's Parents?

Ezechiel Banzuzi father name is (will update soon) and mother name (will update soon).

Who is Ezechiel Banzuzi's siblings?

Ezechiel Banzuzi siblings name is (will update soon).

What is the net worth of Ezechiel Banzuzi?

Ezechiel Banzuzi net worth is (will update soon).

What is Ezechiel Banzuzi education?

Ezechiel Banzuzi education is Graduated.

What is the height of Ezechiel Banzuzi?

Ezechiel Banzuzi height is 6 feet 3 inches (1.91 m).

What is the weight of Ezechiel Banzuzi?

Ezechiel Banzuzi weight 72 KG.

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