Fahad Shaikh is a Pakistani Actor and Media personality who rose to fame with ARY Television Network Drama Serial Jalan. The 32 years old Actor is working in the Pakistani Drama industry since 2014 and has bragged some significant roles in quite popular Dramas. The Actor started his career as a show presenter in 2011 with a road show for Style 360. You can also watch him at upcoming Drama ' Betiyan '
Fahad Shaikh Age
Fahad Shaikh is currently 32 years old.
Fahad Shaikh Contact Number
Fahad Shaikh’s contact number is not available to the public.
Fahad Shaikh Education
Fahad Shaikh is among the most educated Actors of Pakistan. He went to Beaconhouse Lahore, SKANS School of Accountancy, and London college of Accountancy. He has done CAT, ACCA, and Diploma in Filmmaking.
Fahad Shaikh Family
Fahad Shaikh was born in Lahore, completed his education there then moved to Karachi in order to pursue his acting career. He now lives in Karachi with his family.
Fahad Shaikh Sister
Fahad Shaikh has a younger sister, Hira Asif.
Fahad Shaikh Wife
Fahad Shaikh married to Mehreen Fahad in 2012. She is the daughter of famous singer Shahida Mini.
Fahad Shaikh Son
Fahad Shaikh and his wife were blessed with a baby boy in 2015.
Fahad Shaikh Instagram
You can follow Fahad Shaikh on his official Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/imfahadsheikh/
Fahad Shaikh Facebook
Fahad Shaikh’s official Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/TheFahadSheikh
Fahad Shaikh Twitter
Fahad Shaikh has a Twitter handle as well: https://twitter.com/thefahadsheikh
What is the age of Fahad Shaikh?
Fahad Shaikh age is 36 Years, his date of birth Feb 22, 1989, horoscope Pisces, place of birth Lahore, Pakistan, nationality as Pakistani and residence Karachi, Pakistan.
When is Fahad Shaikh birthday?
Fahad Shaikh birthday is celebrated on February 22, 1989.
What is the Profession of Fahad Shaikh?
Fahad Shaikh is an Pakistani Actor by profession.
Who is Fahad Shaikh's wife?
Fahad Shaikh wife or spouse name is Mehreen Fahad Sheikh.
Who is Fahad Shaikh's Parents?
Fahad Shaikh father name is (will update soon) and mother name (will update soon).
Who is Fahad Shaikh's siblings?
Fahad Shaikh siblings name is Hira Asif, hes has four siblings.
What is the net worth of Fahad Shaikh?
Fahad Shaikh net worth is (will update soon).
What is Fahad Shaikh education?
Fahad Shaikh education is ACCA.
What is the height of Fahad Shaikh?
Fahad Shaikh height is 5 Feet 8 Inches.
What is the weight of Fahad Shaikh?
Fahad Shaikh weight 72.