Murad Saeed is the most notable Pakistani politician. Born in 17 August 1986, He resides in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Murad Saeed Contact Number
Murad Saeed Contact number is not available to public/Contact Number.
Murad Saeed Age
Murad Saeed is 36 Years old
Murad Saeed Family
Murad Saeed was born to a noble family, from Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and he has the elder brother and two younger sisters
Murad Saeed Marriage
Murad Saeed is married.
Murad Saeed Wife
His wife name is not available
Murad Saeed Political Party
Murad Saeed is the member of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
Murad Saeed Instagram
You can follow Murad Saeed on his official Instagram Account: @muradsaeedofficial
Murad Saeed Facebook
Murad Saeed is quite active on his Facebook Page:
Murad Saeed Twitter
To catch the official Tweets by Murad Saeed, his official Twitter account is: @MuradSaeedPTI
Murad Saeed Net Worth
Murad Saeed Net worth is $1 Million - $5 Million.
What is the age of Murad Saeed?
Murad Saeed age is 39 Years, his date of birth Aug 17, 1986, horoscope Leo, place of birth Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, nationality as Pakistani and residence Pakistan.
When is Murad Saeed birthday?
Murad Saeed birthday is celebrated on August 17, 1986.
What is the Profession of Murad Saeed?
Murad Saeed is an Pakistani Politician by profession.
Who is Murad Saeed's wife?
Murad Saeed wife or spouse name is (will update soon).
Who is Murad Saeed's Parents?
Murad Saeed father name is Saeedullah and mother name (will update soon).
Who is Murad Saeed's siblings?
Murad Saeed siblings name is (will update soon) he has elder brother of two young sisters.
What is the net worth of Murad Saeed?
Murad Saeed net worth is Approx 1 Million - 5 Million.
What is Murad Saeed education?
Murad Saeed education is Bachelor of Science (Hons).
What is the height of Murad Saeed?
Murad Saeed height is 5 feet 7 inches.
What is the weight of Murad Saeed?
Murad Saeed weight 70.