Prachi Nigam, a shining star from Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, has made her mark in the academic world. Born on April 22, 2009, to Chandra Prakash Nigam and Mamta Nigam, this Prachi Nigam biography is a testament to her dedication and hard work. Prachi Nigam biography further illustrates her journey, which is an inspiration to many, demonstrating the power of perseverance and commitment. This Prachi Nigam biography truly embodies the spirit of academic excellence and personal growth. Prachi Nigam Wikipedia information is available here at HM highlighting her achievements.
Prachi Nigam Trolled
Prachi Nigam trolled for her facial hairs as soon as she topped the board exam and her images went viral. Prachi Nigam has been trolled by netizen. Being a teenager, she never shied away from highlighting her point of view even shutting trolls.
Prachi Nigam Makeover
Prachi Nigam makeover with a glow is also getting popular and makes the news. Prachi Nigam makeover and her look is shared. Bhagat gives Prachi Nigam a "glow-up," applying mascara, perfume, nail polish, and styling her hair into a ponytail. Bhagat also gives a message to all who has been trolling for their looks. “Dear women, never try to fix something that was never broken,” Prachi says at the end of the video, looking the same as before. Bhagat shared the video on Instagram, writing, “I hope this shuts the trolls once and for all. This is for anyone filled with insecurities, waiting for a glow-up. You all deserve to treat yourself better. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
Prachi Nigam Topper
Prachi Nigam, topper of the UP Board Class 10 exams in 2024, has become a beacon of inspiration for many. With an impressive score of 591 out of 600 marks, i.e., 98.5%, Prachi Nigam, the topper, has set a benchmark for future aspirants. Her goal, fitting for someone of her caliber, is to crack the IIT-JEE exam and become an engineer. This aspiration further solidifies Prachi Nigam’s topper status and her commitment to academic excellence.
Prachi Nigam Age
Prachi Nigam’s age is mere 15 years old, belies the remarkable achievement she has accomplished. Born in 2009, Prachi Nigam, at her age, has achieved a feat that many dream of. Despite her young age, Prachi Nigam’s age does not reflect the maturity and dedication she possesses towards her studies. It’s truly inspiring to see such commitment and success at such a young age.
What is the age of Prachi Nigam?
Prachi Nigam age is 16 Years, her date of birth Apr 22, 2009, horoscope Taurus, place of birth Uttar Pradesh, India, nationality as Indian and residence Uttar Pradesh, India.
When is Prachi Nigam birthday?
Prachi Nigam birthday is celebrated on April 22, 2009.
What is the Profession of Prachi Nigam?
Prachi Nigam is an Indian Topper in UP Board Class 10 by profession.
Who is Prachi Nigam's husband?
Prachi Nigam husband or spouse name is (will update soon).
Who is Prachi Nigam's Parents?
Prachi Nigam father name is Chandra Prakash Nigam and mother name Mamta Nigam.
Who is Prachi Nigam's siblings?
Prachi Nigam siblings name is (will update soon).
What is the net worth of Prachi Nigam?
Prachi Nigam net worth is (will update soon).
What is Prachi Nigam education?
Prachi Nigam education is Student.
What is the height of Prachi Nigam?
Prachi Nigam height is 4 feet 7 inches.
What is the weight of Prachi Nigam?
Prachi Nigam weight 44 KG.