Surah Nasr
Surah Nasr - It is 110th Surah of Holy Quran and consisting of 3 verses. This is the third-largest Surah of Quran-Pak. This Surah guided us about the great victory of Islam and the mission of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). The studying and recitation of Surah Nasr have various virtues. In this way, believers of Islam must recite this Surah in order to avail all the benefits.
Sometimes, we want to recite online Surah, however, the material on websites is not 100% accurate and it comes to Islamic material it is very difficult to find out the perfect and exact material on Internet as mentioned in Quran-e-Pak.
Nevertheless, now you don’t need to search more because solves this issue. The web has provided a wide range of online facility of learning and reading the Quran. Therefore, whoever aims to hear the audio version or recite the Surah Nasr via online format they can easily recite it or listen to it from You can listen to Surah Nasr in deep voices of Shaikh Abd-ur-Rahman As- Sudais and Shaikh Su’ood As-Shuraim.
From this website you will get 100% accurate and perfect Surah Nasr with an English translation and Surah Nasr with Urdu translation by ayat wise. As well get the access to complete Surah Tafseer. The best part is that you can also download the Surah in your handsets, PC or any other electronic devices because the page has the accessibility of an MP3 downloading facility.