Surah an Nisa was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in Madina. This Surah has 176 verses out of which 24 are the Rukus.
“Nisa” is an Arabic word that means “Women”. This revelation was named “Nisa” because it was revealed to mainly discuss the laws regarding the women in Islam. It contained details related to the inheritance, marriage, and rights of women in Islam. Surah e Nisa's main purpose was to ensure that the laws and rules of the women are equal to that of men.
After the migration of the followers of Islam to Madina, the Muslims formed a community and for that, they needed rules and regulations. So, the central idea of Surah e Nisa revolves around guiding Muslims with instructions on how to live in a society, how to consolidate society and how to live a family life.
The status of women in Islam is discussed in Surah e Nisa and laws have been designed by The Divine to ensure that the rights of Muslim women are preserved in the best suitable way possible. Surah Nisa benefits Muslims in many ways. It is the perfect guide to every social law, being a Muslim we have to fulfill.
Orphans are also discussed in Surah e Nisa because, at the time of war, many families lost their guardians, so in order to provide proper care to the children who lost their father, mother or guardian, these rules were given so that their inheritance can be preserved. Surah Nisa translation has been done in many languages over the years so that Muslims that speak a different language can understand the laws of Islam given by Allah (سبحان و تعالىٰ).
You can find Surah Nisa mp3 on We have a detailed description of Surah Nisa. Surah Nisa is also said to benefit the one who recites it. Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said;
“Whoever recites Surah Nisa is as if this person has spent property in the way of God as much as any Muslim gets by virtue of the purport of this Surah, and also, an equal reward of a person who has freed a slave, will be given to him”.
Hazrat Ali (رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ عنه) said; “One who recites Surah Nisa every Friday will be safe from the squeeze of the grave”.