Sahih Muslim 6239

Hadith on Merits of the Companions of Sahih Muslim 6239 is about The Book Of The Merits Of The Companions as written by Imam Muslim. The original Hadith is written in Arabic and translated in English and Urdu. The chapter The Book Of The Merits Of The Companions has three hundred and thirty-one as total Hadith on this topic.

Sahih Muslim 6239

Chapter 45 The Book Of The Merits Of The Companions
Book Sahih Muslim
Hadith No 6239
Baab Sahaba Karaam R.A Ke Fazail O Munaqib
  • URDU

This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Simak and the hadith transmitted on the authority of Shu'ba (the words are): When they intended to feed her (Sa'd'. s mother), they opened her mouth with the help of a stick and then put the feed in her mouth, and in the same hadith the words are: He struck the nose of Sa'd and it was injured and Sa'd had (the mark) of wound on his nose.

حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى، وَمُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ، قَالَا: حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ جَعْفَرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، عَنْ سِمَاكِ بْنِ حَرْبٍ، عَنْ مُصْعَبِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ: أُنْزِلَتْ فِيَّ أَرْبَعُ آيَاتٍ، وَسَاقَ الْحَدِيثَ بِمَعْنَى حَدِيثِ زُهَيْرٍ، عَنْ سِمَاكٍ، وَزَادَ فِي حَدِيثِ شُعْبَةَ: قَالَ فَكَانُوا إِذَا أَرَادُوا أَنْ يُطْعِمُوهَا شَجَرُوا فَاهَا بِعَصًا، ثُمَّ أَوْجَرُوهَا، وَفِي حَدِيثِهِ أَيْضًا: فَضَرَبَ بِهِ أَنْفَ سَعْدٍ، فَفَزَرَهُ وَكَانَ أَنْفُ سَعْدٍ مَفْزُورًا

  محمد بن جعفر نے کہا : ہمیں شعبہ نے سماک بن حرب سے حدیث بیان کی ، انھوں نے مصعب بن سعد سے ، انھوں نے اپنے والد ( حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاص رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ ) سے روایت کی ، انھوں نے کہا : میرے بارے میں چار آیات نازل ہو ئیں پھر زبیر سے سماک کی حدیث کے ہم معنی بیان کیا اور شعبہ کی حدیث میں ( محمد بن جعفر نے ) مزید یہ بیان کیا کہ لوگ جب میری ماں کو کھانا کھلا نا چاہتے تو لکڑی سے اس کا منہ کھولتے ، پھر اس میں کھا نا ڈالتے ، اور انھی کی حدیث میں یہ بھی ہے کہ حضرت سعد رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کی ناک پر ہڈی ماری اور ان کی ناک پھاڑ دی ، حضرت سعد رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کی ناک پھٹی ہوئی تھی ۔

Sahih Muslim 6240

Sa'd reported: This verse was revealed in relation to six persons and I and Ibn Mas'ud were amongst them. The polytheists said to him (the Holy Prophet): Do not keep such persons near you. It was upon this that (this verse was revealed): Drive..

Sahih Muslim 6241

Sa'd reported: We were six men in the company of Allah's Messenger (, nay peace be upon him) that the polytheists said to Allah's Apostle ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ): Drive them away so that they may not be overbold upon us. He said: I, Ibn..

Sahih Muslim 6242

Abu 'Uthman reported on one of the days when Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) was fighting and none remained with him save Talha and Sa'd. ..

Sahih Muslim 6243

Jabir b. Abdullah reported: I heard Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) exhorting people on the Day of the Battle of the Ditch to fight. Zubair said: I am ready (to participate). He then again exhorted and he again said: I am ready to..

Sahih Muslim 6244

Jabir reported this hadith through another chain of transmitters. ..

Sahih Muslim 6245

Abdullah b. Zubair reported on the Day of the Battle of the Trench: I and Umar b. Abu Salama were with women folk in the fort of Hassan (b. Thabit). He at one time leaned for me and I cast a glance and at anothertime I leaned for him and he would..

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