Hadees on Gheebat

Hadees on Gheebat is available in Arabic text with Urdu and English translations. The Prophet (PBUH) statement Hadees on Gheebat is clear in Islam. Read Hadees on Gheebat from authentic 6 books including Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami at Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan An Nasai, and Sunan Ibn Majah.

غیبت سے متعلق احادیث

Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 6593

حضرت ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا : " کیا تم جانتے ہو کہ غیبت کیا ہے؟ " انہوں ( صحابہ ) نے عرض کی : اللہ اور اس کا رسول خوب جاننے والے ہیں ۔ آپ نے فرمایا : " اپنے بھائی کا اس طرح تذکرہ کرنا جو..

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Hadees on Gheebat

Hadees on Gheebat

Allah strongly forbids Gheebat. Islam considers Gheebat (Chugli) to be a major sin and the Qur'an compares it to the abhorrent act of eating the flesh of one's dead brother. In the hadith, it says the punishment for Gheebat is that Allah will take away from your account of good deeds and give it to the one you hurt as an act of compensation. Messenger of Allah also guided to avoid making fun of others because it also comes under the category of Gheebat and the consequence of Gheebat. Punishment for Gheebat in Islam is already defined in Verses of Quran and Hadith on Gheebat.

Islam prohibits Gheebat, since Islam is the religion of peace, whereas sins like Gheebat can tear down so many relationships and lead to destruction. Prophet also warns about the listening of Gheebat in Islam as it is also clearly mentioned as a wrong deed in Hadees about Gheebat. This page has gathered all the hadees on Gheebat. People who are looking for it to seek knowledge and learn it can easily found hadith on Gheebat here. This page is solely dedicated to all the hadith on Gheebat in English.