Zafar Iqbal Patni Naats Mp3

Listen online to Zafar Iqbal Patni naats, available for mp3 download, and play them from your favorite list of naats. The best Zafar Iqbal Patni naat MP3 downloads are available below. A newly curated playlist of naats is available with an online player for listening and downloading.


Zafar Iqbal Patni Naat List

Famous Naat Khawans

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Zafar Iqbal Patni is a famous Naat Khawn. The reason of his popularity was his impressive and simple personality. He earned great respect and appreciation due to his unique way of reciting Naats. Zafar Iqbal Patni has awarded with a great voice by Allah Subhan o Tala. Hamariweb is providing his some most famous Naats online.

Download and Listen Free online Naat of Zafar Iqbal Patni.


Disclaimer: All the Naats are user submitted, Click here for any copyright complaint.

Reviews on Zafar Iqbal Patni Naats

Get the complete Album of the Zafar Iqbal Patni Naats where you can easily get the best experience of the Naats what we definitely need

  • Nabeel , Karachi
  • Tue 24 Apr, 2018

he is a great person and naat khawan, he earned great respect and appreciation due to his unique way of reciting naat.his voice is super and so good.

  • uzma , abbah
  • Fri 09 Dec, 2016

Iqbal Patani is the new naat Khuwaan because first time I have seen his naats on this page and I thought that this the up to date page with every new albums of naats

  • Zaman , Karachi
  • Fri 28 Oct, 2016

Usually I listen his naat very eagerly because his naat is very heart touching that’s why he read the naats from deeply heart and every one can like it very much

  • farah , thatta
  • Fri 28 Oct, 2016

asslamualequm very nicely nazam

  • mohd nasir , meerut
  • Wed 29 Jun, 2016