Photos Taken a Second Before Someone’s Personal Tragedy

(Source: brightside)

In the modern world where almost everyone has a camera, it’s hard to believe that something can be kept a secret. Well, now we can have a smile when we look at some of the funny things that are about to happen in these pictures. Bright Side invites you to look at the crazy situations people find themselves in. We hope that all of them are doing all right now!

A great background is the beginning of a great selfie.

How did the cat get there?

We think she was more scared.
Not just beautiful but also quite dangerous!
When you never lose hope:
At least the camera took a great last shot.
Either the couch is inflatable or they know something we don’t.
When you attract bad things:

Looks like her revenge will be awful.

This guy looks super calm. Does he even know that one wheel is gone?