There are things that are happening in this world
that we can’t explain. World is a mysterious place and so are its living
beings that possess incredible secrets. Here is a list of 10 fascinating
facts that we are sure you did not know:
Mona Lisa’s Popular Smile Took Ages to Complete!
Leonardo Da Vinci can write with one hand and paint with another at the
same time. Probably that was the reason that he spent around twelve
years alone painting Mona Lisa’s famous smile, the entire painting was
actually completed in about four years. Isn’t it incredible, how can
someone take more than a decade to paint smile? The smile now dazzles
the world since ages! |
Bang Your Head and Reduce Weight
Are you willing to reduce your weight instantly? According to research,
it has been learnt that banging your head against a wall burns 150
calories an hour. Are you willing to give it a try? |

Real Horse Head in “God Father”
You must have watched the blockbuster movie God Father and remember that
scene with horse head! For your astonishment, the horse head used in the
Godfather was real. The production designer made arrangements with a dog
food manufacturer that used old horses to give them the head of a horse
that had been scheduled to be killed. |

No Socks for Albert Einstein
Part of Einstein's charm was his messy look. In addition to his uncombed
hair, one of Einstein's peculiar habits was to never wear socks.
Whether, it was while out sailing or to a formal dinner at the White
House, Einstein went without socks everywhere. To Einstein, socks were a
pain because they often would get holes in them. Plus, why wear both
socks and shoes when one of them would do just fine? |
White Sun is REAL!
For all those who are sick of yellow sunlight every afternoon. To your
surprise, the sun is actually White, it just appears yellow to us
through the Earth’s Atmosphere.
It is lucky to be Google’s Employee
It's been long reported that Google treats its employees well, from
offering them free food and fitness classes to laundry service and car
washes. But according to a recent report, if a Google employee dies,
that employee’s spouse receives half the employee’s salary for 10 years.
Mysterious Water Fall
There is a waterfall in Minnesota's Devil’s Kettle where nobody knows
where the water goes. This waterfall dumps into giant pothole with no
visible exit. Researchers have poured dye, ping pong balls and wood logs
into it but never witnessed any sign of it. Nothing has ever been found.
Prison in Brazil uses Geese for Security
An overcrowded prison in Northeastern Brazil has decided to employ 2
geese to protect against prison violence and escapes. There are
currently 255 inmates in a prison designed to hold 153, so the warden
had to come up with some innovative ideas for security. The geese will
honk when they see strange movements, which will alert the guards if
anything fishy is about to happen. |
Sleep Else Your Brain Will Shrink
Lack of sleep might shrink your brain. According to a recent study
published in an online issue of Neurologists, those people who have
sleep problems have more rapid decline in brain volume and size as
compared to those who sleep properly.
Green Eyes are RARE!
Green eyes are dominant over the blue eye color but there are only very
few people that carry the genes responsible for green eyes. Only 2% of
the human population has green eyes.