In our
society, men are considered the chief breadwinners. They are portrayed
as the stronger sex to the point that it becomes compulsory for them to
act real tough. This means that they need to take great care of
themselves. Somehow, in their attempts to live up to that image, they
end up making health mistakes that can be extremely harmful to them in
the future. If you think you are a man who might be making such
mistakes, then read on.
1. Ditching the Doctor
When it comes to avoid going to the doctor, all men are geniuses. So
what if you have put on a few kilos in a short span of time, a little
exercise will take care of it. Pain and aches? Mard ko dard nahin huta!
While it all sounds really cool and macho, a few years down the lane you
will see your health deteriorate very fast. Therefore, the advice is: do
not wait, and schedule that appointment now! |
2. Assuming that Heart Attacks are For the Seniors
Despite knowing that the dreadful disease runs in the family, a majority
of men believe that this is something specific to old age only. This,
however, is not the case and heart problems can attack men even in their
thirties. It is better to be careful! People who have a history of
cardiac problems in the family should get their metabolic profiles. This
is significant for men who have reached 50 and women in their 60’s. |

3. Saying no to Sunscreen
Many men think it an insult to wear any product on their skin. Ye tu
aurten lagati hain. What you fail to realize is that exposing skin to
the harmful sun rays is a leading cause of skin cancer. We recommend
that you wear a strong SPF-30 product when going outside. |

4. Depression? What Depression?
A lot of men think that emotional distress that leads to depression
affects only women. For them, it is aurtun ke dramay. This thinking
makes it harder for men to admit that they are feeling blue or could
have depression. As a result, instead of seeing a doctor, they might
turn to other harmful activities, such as smoking and drugs to escape
the mood swings. |
5. Excessive Urination
‘Who keeps a track of it?’ Is how most men tend to think. However, it
can be an indication of overactive bladder, diabetes (which is showing
up in early age nowadays), some form of cancer, and even indicate an
enlarged prostate. They need to investigate the matter if this happens.
6. Avoiding the Dentist
In addition to avoiding the doctors in general, men run away from
dentists too. Whatever the reason behind this reluctance might be, not
getting your teeth checked once in a while can overlook a lot of disease
symptoms. These symptoms can manifest in dangerous diseases in later
years. Invest in a good dentist for a more comfortable old age.
7. Relying On Meat Too Much
This is a known fact that a lot of men prefer meat over fruits and
vegetable. In our society, it is common to serve meat to men. The little
amount of vegetables that are added in the form of Palak Chicken, tinday
gosht, karely gosht, and other such dishes often go unnoticed by men.
While meat is a great source of protein and provides energy, a lot of it
can have negative effects on the heart and general health. It wouldn’t
hurt to indulge in some healthy snacks once in a while!