Things ’80s Kids Could Do That Today’s Kids Can’t

Did you know there are a many things ’80s kids could do that today’s kids can’t? The world has changed a lot since three decades ago. Technology and culture has radically altered the way we do things. What once was pretty normal is now either old fashioned, taboo, out-dated, or weird. While kids today have access to way more information and entertainment than we did, we ’80s kids had way more freedom to roam around the neighborhood unsupervised. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. From sugary cereals to access to computers, so many things were far and away different. For us ’80s kids, it was a beautiful time. For kids today, it probably will look like a foreign universe. Get ready to travel back in time, here are some things ’80s kids could do that today’s kids can’t.

Bike anywhere

When you got your first bike as a kid in the ’80s, it was the best thing ever. It meant freedom. Your parents didn’t care where you went as long as you came back before dinner. You could go to your friends, the gas station down the street, the barrens, the library, the school playground, and basically anywhere your legs could pedal fast enough to get you there. Today, with a long, sad history of missing kids and kids being kidnapped, parents aren’t so willing to let kids wander off too far from home.

Experience the joys of chalk

Sure, some kids still use chalk today, but it’s rare. In the ’80s, chalk boards and chalk abounded. Kids were using it on the playgrounds, their driveways, and everywhere. Chalk is making a bit of a comeback amongst many hipsters today, likely because they remember the days of yore when chalk ruled and markers drooled.


Use their brains to find a book at the library

Today, we’ve got computers to look everything up for us. But, If you grew up in the ’80s, you likely became best friends with the “card catalog” to find books at the library. For you youngsters that aren’t sure what that is, it was a wooden cabinet full of tiny drawers that carried small cards. You sifted through the cards to find the book you wanted using the Dewey Decimal System. It was a bit more complicated.


Play outside in the front yard

Gone are the days when mom would let kids out to play in the front yard and only occasionally peak out the window to make sure everything was okay. Now, even if it were a safe place, parents would likely be judged by neighbors and maybe even have the cops called.

Discover computers slowly

In the ’80s, most kids were lucky if they had a computer in the house. Even if they had one, many had little idea how to use the DOS-based operating system. The computer was like an odd alien object, mysterious and wonderful. Gradually over time, you could discover the different aspects of a computer because they were so new and fresh. It was exciting. Today, of course, computers are everywhere and the wonder and awe is kind of gone.