In Light Of The Musadas-E-Hali

(S. Maliha Sehar, Karachi)

Musadas-e-Hali written back in 1886 by Khawaja Altaf Hussain Hali was recorded as a soul-stirring composition of musadas which aimed to revoke Muslim’s all-encompassing lost-position of grandeur. Today, as a Pakistani if we look around at our moral, social and economical declination with up to 75% rate of corruption and bribery, 52% of sexual assault and armed robbery, 51% of vandalism and theft, 47% of drug use and with largest youth population in world but only 3 million graduates per year and 5.1% of unemployment; We see, we did not become what our magnificent history expected us to be.

Having power and rule maintained on far and wide continents from mid 600 to late 19th century and 1000+ years of ruling the Indian Subcontinent alone, where has the shahi blood and influencing power of Muslims, diffused?

Why our visa-position and foreign perceived personality has collectively doomed? The ones who ruled the world for a recordable lifespan, their descendants are being stoned!

How. Ironic. Is that we still feel suicidal thoughts when there is much to do, so much to revive, so much to pronounce in power.. The Ummah of such a person who record-breakingly influenced forth-coming generations of world for infinite lifespan, being Ummah of that magnificent singularity, Prophet Muhammad SW, who taught us what a single shepherd, when opened to knowledge and understanding, can do to earth. Being that Ummah what we are becoming is a question which even the winds wonder in amaze.

The creator did not create what he created without purpose. Pakistan having the largest share of youth’s population in this whole magnificent world has a purpose to reform.

Our manpower is in vain because our thoughts are ordinary, confined in slavery and engaged in self-mockery. If not, look around you. How many young inspiring, aspiring, self-motivated youth kids can you count? Roam around the locals streets of Pakistan; see with your eyes the declining state of people with noble blood. See women marching for respect and rights, see men harassing in day light without a trace of shame, see civilized men and women careless of the fortune they should be making, the power they should be regaining, see children as young as 7 engaged in labor work under scorching sun, unaware of the word “school” and with only concern of kachra hai?, to maintain their daily wage. Heed to the songs playing aloud and confident whose lyrics if you dare to speak in a respected circle, shall kill you with shame. There is a vast and class range in music then why to chase immoral and music’s potential killing songs. If in the first place you are not courageous enough to ditch norms which sit uncomfortable with you then you make this entire country disabled to progress for any good. You are our nation but where are you?

- In Light Of Musadas-e-Hali

Below are some extracted pieces from Musadas-e-Hali which we considered to revise as a need of time amongst our nation this Ramadan. Hope you found our article relatable, Stay in tune for more with

tags: Poetry, Books, Famous Personality, Literature, Thought Blog, Musadase Hali