Shakeel Dehalvi
Joint Secretary (General)
Directior Public Relations
During these times of crisis when the whole world is
struggling to fight the coronavirus pandemic,everyone is required to act
responsibly. As a privileged part of the society, we must play our role
in helping others, that is, by making donations.
Alamgir Welfare Trust is working day and night to serve the needy
who are looking to us forour support.
We are thankful for the confidence of our trustees that enable us to
serve the humanity in this critical time. No t only that we are
distributing cooked food amongst the poorfamilies, we are also taking
care of their ration requirements on a daily basis.
The trust is working closely with the Sindh government to provide relief
to those affected by the coronavirus lockdown. Our offices in Karachi
and Islamabad are open to collect the donations.
What is Corona Virus?
COVID-19 or commonly known as coronavirus is a transmittable disease.
The disease causes breathing infections amongst the patient, but it is
also curable. People, who have complaints of cardiovascular, prolonged
respiratory issue, diabetes and cancer are more vulnerable to this
disease. (WHO)
Unfortunately, there is no vaccine available for the coronavirus right
now. The only workable solution to stay safe from the disease is to
practice social distancing and break the chain. The experts have advised
that by washing hands regularly with soap and disinfecting hands with an
alcohol-based sanitizer one can avoid contracting the virus.
By covering yourmouth with a tissue or handkerchief and flexing elbow
while coughing or sneezing can slow down the process of virus spread.
The COVID-19 usually reaches out to the other person when the affected
person’s saliva or nose fluid is discharged.
The symptoms of this virus appearafter or within fourteen days.
However,it cannot be directly diagnosed when you have a cold or flu. It
can only be diagnosed with a laboratory test.
Safety measures to avoid contracting the virus
It is a well known understanding that one must wash their hands
frequently, avoid hand shakes, and rub alcohol based sanitiser to kill
the germs.
WHO has recommended people out there to observe social distancing that
is upto 3 feet or 1 meter. If someone is sneezing or coughing, then this
distance is strictly advised. When visiting malls or shops, make sure
that you are standing 6 feet away from the other person.
It is also not advisable to touch your mouth, eyes or nose because these
are the places that can be an easy gateway for the virus. Hands can pick
germs or virus from any surface and can make you ill if they enter into
your body.
With the respiratory sanitation, we can avoid the spread of this
disease. If someone intends to sneeze or cough, they must cover their
mouth or nose. This way, the droplets of infected people will not reach
to the healthy person.
If you are feeling unwell like having fever, cough, flu, breathing
issue, etc, then stay at home and avoid meeting people. For a safe side,
inform health authorities or your employer so that they could suggest
you the next step if necessary.
Another crucial preventive measures that people need to take is to keep
themselves in self isolation if they have traveled to the infected areas
in the last 14 days. At least 14 days quarantine is suggested so that it
could be operated if you are having any symptoms or not. (WHO)
By acting responsibly during this alarming situation, you cannot only
secure yourself, but others as well. You can do that by:
• Social Distancing (Stay Home Stay Safe)
• Wear Mask
• Hand Wash
• No close contact
How can you help us help the needy?
Alamgir Welfare Trust is doing its best to support the community and
assisting the government by offering relief services.
Give more and more donations to AWT in the forms of Zakat, Sadqas,
Khairat. This will allow us to cope up with the timely availability and
supply of daily necessities so that white collar families would not have
to be worried.
You can still take out your Zakat instead of waiting for the Holy month
of Ramadan. This will definitely serve the same purpose that you
practice in Ramadan. This is the right time to pay your Zakat because
this is whatreligionand humanity demands.
Let’s join hands and lift up our fellow human beings.
UAN: 111-153-153