Things We Keep Doing Every Day Without Realizing How Dangerous They Are

(Source: lovely-healthy)

1. Drinking out of plastic bottles

Microplastics can be found in a large number of plastic bottles. These microplastics are threatening to human health. These components found in plastic bottles can decrease fertility, increase body fat, have a negative impact on the nervous and immune systems, affect male genital development, encourage childhood obesity, and increase the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. These bottles are even more harmful to children.

2. Using dry cleaned clothes

Dry cleaning is a chemical process. A lot of dangerous chemicals are used when dry cleaning clothes and some can stick to the fabric. When inhaling these chemicals, there’s a chance you could get respiratory and eye irritations, headaches, dizziness, and vision problems.

3. Holding sneezes

You should never hold a sneeze. If you hold it, there’s a chance you could rupture your eardrum with the air that sneezing sends to your ears. Controlling your sneezes may also cause your blood vessels in your eyes, nose, and eardrums to squeeze and burst.

4. Using perfumes full of chemicals

A lot of perfumes are full of toxic ingredients that companies keep secret. These ingredients come from petroleum and can cause respiratory and hormone problems, nausea, and vomiting. In the worst case scenario, people can even suffer from perfume poisoning or cancer.

5. Popping pimples

First of all, popping pimples can make them worse and even cause scars so it’s not really helpful. There’s an area of the face known as the “triangle of death” which has a direct link to the brain and if you cause an infection there by trying to squeeze out pimples, it could easily reach the nervous system and cause complications with vision, paralysis, meningitis and in the worst cases, death. If you ever feel like popping a pimple, just play with a wrist band instead and the desire will disappear.

6. Using cosmetics with synthetic components

It’s important to know if the makeup you’re using contains synthetic components that can be very harmful to you. These components can be accumulated in your body over time and cause skin irritation and even cancer.

7. Not changing your pillow

Every night while you sleep, your pillow absorbs skin, hair, and body oil. This can attract dust mites to grow in your pillow which can cause really bad allergies.

8. Plucking nose hairs

Plucking the hairs from your nose can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. If you remove the hairs, you will also make your immune system weaker and it can possibly lead to meningitis and other brain infections.

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