An elderly Japanese man was recently arrested after calling a police
precinct 2,060 times in nine days to yell at the staff there and call
them “tax thieves” and “big stupid a-holes”.
Between September 30th and October 8th, the 67-year-old man from Saitama
Prefecture called the Prefectural Police Headquarters a total of 2060
times to yell at the staff there and tell them that they should all be
fired. That’s an average of one call for every six minutes and a total
talk time of around 27 hours over the nine-day interval. Eventually,
police raided the man’s house and arrested him on the ground of
obstructing police business. He admitted to the charges and said: “I
knew the police would come for me someday”.
An investigation into this bizarre case is ongoing, but because the
67-year-old Japanese man, whose name has not been revealed, doesn’t seem
too eager to collaborate with police, we may never know what possessed
him to call the precinct more than 2,000 times in nine days.
Interestingly, according to the man’s phone records, he had been calling
the police for years but had only recently ramped up his operation, for
some mysterious reason.
Although interfering with police business and taking up resources that
may be needed to save lives are serious issues, many people online
declared themselves in awe of the man’s consistency and dedication to
his bizarre mission.