A Spanish sewer worker developed a roundworm infection so bad that
doctors could see the larvae crawling right under his skin.
The New England Journal of Medicine recently published the unusual case
of a 64-year-old sewer treatment employee from Spain who realized that
something was wrong with him after experiencing mild diarrhea and
itching all over his body. He reported to the University Hospital in
Madrid where doctors diagnosed him with a parasitic roundworm infection
that had become unusually serious. Strongyloides stercoralis infection
is usually asymptomatic, but in this particular case, it had become so
serious that doctors could see the worms crawling under the man’s skin.
In photos posted in the online medical journal, doctors drew outlines
around the red squiggles on the man’s body, which helped them determine
that the roundworms under his skin were moving over a 24-hour period.
Doctors believe that the man’s profession facilitated the infection with
the roundworm that usually lives in tropical and subtropical regions
around the world and that he may have been asymptomatic.
People infected with roundworms can spend years without any symptoms,
but in this particular case, the patient had been administered hormone
therapy for malignant spinal cord compression, which suppressed his
immune system, allowing the parasite to proliferate. The hyperinfection
got so bad that larvae could be seen crawling under the patient’s skin,
like something out of a horror movie.
The abnormal abundance of larvae in the body makes this sort of
hyperinfection potentially deadly, as it can trigger sepsis and organ
failure. Luckily, in this case, doctors were able to save the sewer
worker’s life with strong anti-parasitic drugs.
“After treatment with oral Ivermectin, the patient’s rash and diarrhea
subsided,” a hospital spokesperson said.