A Chinese farmer claims to have successfully created a hybrid fruit that
allows people to enjoy the taste of both melon and watermelon in equal
A 40-something watermelon farmer from Fuyang, in China’s Anhui province,
referred to only as Mr. A by Chinese news outlets recently lit up Weibo,
China’s version of Twitter, with photos of a strange-looking fruit that
he claimed was half-melon and half-watermelon. He had apparently
documented his efforts to create a melon-watermelon hybrid for a while,
but last week he posted the fruits of his labor on Weibo, claiming that
he had finally achieved success after several failed attempts. The
unusual fruits look like watermelons growing on top of melons, which he
claims allows people to enjoy the taste of both fruits at the same time.
“I have made several new attempts to transplant melon seeds into
watermelon seeds, but this time I finally succeeded. It is possible,” Mr
A recently wrote on Weibo.
Although the fruits shown in the photos and videos doing the rounds on
Chinese social media are about the size of a human fist, thus still in
development, they have already captured the imagination of millions,
many of whom have expressed their excitement in the comments. However,
seeing as this is still a work in progress, expectations should be held
in check.

Despite boasting about his achievement, Mr. A himself admitted that the
process still needs perfecting, as the results are not always as
“Some of the modified varieties planted in the field grew exactly half
the watermelon and melon as expected. However, others were 10%
watermelon and 90% melon,” the Chinese farmer wrote.

For more extreme hybridization, check out this unique tree that produces
40 different fruits.
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