Amazing Rock Sculptures

(Source: Geekosystem)

Artist Michael Grab takes a bit of a different approach to his craft. His work can be found in photographs, but if you want to meet it in person, you will have to journey to Boulder Creek in Colorado. Its amidst this fast moving water that Grab builds his stone towers which, amazingly, are only held together with friction. Shirking glue or internal supports, Grab creates his sculptures by painstakingly balancing each rock upon the next. The results of his patience are often staggering.

His project, which he calls Gravity Glue, is based around Grab’s view that change is fundamental to our modern world. His art is meant to decay, and meant to have only a specific time and place. Deceptively simple, his cairns are perhaps meant to remind us of the amazing powerful natural forces that govern the universe — and hold his art together.