Around three quarters (or more) of Google+ users are
male. According to recent estimates, has improved its gender ratio since
it first launched, men still drastically outnumber
women.SocialStatistics and FindPeopleOnPlus, third-party sites that
gather data from about select Google+ profiles, both report that about
68% of Google+ users are Male. In July, they estimated that the
percentage of male users was 87% and 74% respectfully.
This improvement, however, is partly due to a change Google+ made in mid
July that allows users to pass on the option to state whether they are
male or female. And even if the option to keep gender private made no
dent in gender ratio, Google+ still has a long way to go before men and
women are represented equally in its circles.
“This network has shown itself to be a place that encourages deep
conversation,” wrote the paper in its first post on Google+, “and from
what we’ve observed so far, many of you are passionate and smart
consumers of technology.”