Most Strange Addictions

Few people in the World have very strange habit which may be very harmful to them but people see them very intersting as this article show some person who eat plastic and some nail polish.

The 18-year-old, from Sacramento, California, believes she has eaten over 60,000 plastic goods over the past 11 years, and will even choose it over food. She is seen crunching on a variety of items in a trailer for the show, from water bottles to CD cases.Listing some of the things she has eaten, Kailyn tells the camera: 'I have eaten 12 remotes, over 5,000 beads, over 1,000 cocktail swords, 100 forks, about ten water bottles, two pacifiers, three CD cases, about 50 hangers, about 25 plastic lids on to-go cups...'

28-year-old Jaye has been addicted to snorting baby powder for 16 years. She needs a fix at least ten times a day and has snorted about 1,125 pounds of powder since her addiction began. Are life-threatening health risks enough to force Jaye to change?Jaye relaxes by snorting baby powder. Jaye squeezes out a handful of powder to snort.Jaye has a MRI to check for damage caused by her addiction.


23-year-old Bertha has been drinking about five bottles of nail polish every day for the past five years. She loves the color blue, but any polish with glitter will do. Bertha claims she needs nail polish to get through the day, but her family is worried she's doing permanent damage to her health. Bertha loves to lick the nail polish brush.


32-year-old Jamie can't stop digging in her ears. For over 12 hours every day, Jamie scraps her ear canal with scissors, nail files, and other sharp objects. Doctors have repeatedly warned Jamie that her addiction may cause her to lose her hearing.Jamie can't control the urge to pick her ears -- even if means doing it in front of friends.A doctor examines Jamie's ear, looking for damage cause by Jamie's constant picking.Despite the medical warnings, Jamie continues to pick her ears.


23-year-old Andrea has been addicted to eating adhesive tape for nine years, going through over 200 feet of tape each day. Doctors have warned Andrea that her addiction may lead to a blood infection or even cancer. Will Andrea get her obsession under control before it's too late? Andrea takes a bite out of a piece of tape. Andrea texts while enjoying a small snack. Andrea debates what type of tape to purchase.