Miniatures miniature bottles of Akinobu Izumi

(Source: freeyork)

The art of creating miniatures (especially popular boats) the empty bottles - it's a common thing, do it thousands and thousands of people around the world. But the Japanese artist Akinobu Izumi in this case went far beyond. He creates his own Miniatures not in the usual, and in miniature bottles!

Miniatures in bottles have long outgrown themselves. And art it has inspired many other, related arts, but who have come on. For example, three-dimensional engraved on the bottles, which deals with Charlotte Hughes-Martin, or create a thumbnail in the flasks, which deals with Akinobu Izumi.

After all, to create something small to relatively large bottles can, at a certain skill and training, each. But to create a very very tiny miniatures in bottles - it's, really, not a trivial task.

It is amazing and incredibly, but the size of miniature bottles, flasks, Akinobu which creates its own thumbnails Izumi, are only 22 millimeters in height and 12 millimeters in width. AND, nevertheless, they can be built inside a world of! Because a series of his works Izumi called «Tiny World in a Bottle» ("The tiny world in a bottle").

In these cones, thanks to an incredible diligence and skills Akinobu Izumi, You can see the sunken ship, sailboat, Viking boat, skeleton tirannozavra, alleyku in the park with a tree, bench and a pair of lovers, and uninhabited tropical island.

Despite its small size, Each of the works of the series «Tiny World in a Bottle» requires dozens of hours of painstaking, tense, filigree work and nervous. After one false move, and this petite beauty is irretrievably broken!