Interesting & Amazing Inventions

Interesting & Amazing Inventions - Every days their is some inventions occurs around the technology & mechanical field, like PowerPot charges USB devices while cooking, amazing clocks and others In this article we mention some of those events that emergence took place is in recent days. We believe that after reading them you may not stay without enjoying.

Wrist Mounted Finger Piano

We know that you can’t afford a real grand Piano and that’s one big reason keeping you away from the Grammy. But worry no more. Japanese engineers have created a cool geek gadget that gives you your own personal Piano. All you have to do is wrap it up on your wrist and slip your fingers in the buttons and start playing. How does it work? It’s pretty simple. Just find a suitable flat surface and start pressing your finger-buttons. Each button plays a different note when you press it. The finger Piano is capable of delivering full octave and even comes with three volume levels & three sound banks. The sound banks is the feature that adds pizza to this gadget. For example, sound bank 1 offers you Piano and sound bank 2 gets you bells. Sound bank 3 is ‘cat’, letting you play full scale & chords. Yep, that’s right!

Weight-Loss Glasses 'Trick Brain Into Thinking Food Is Bigger'

Japanese inventors have designed a hi-tech (and slightly bonkers) device that claims to help people lose weight – and it involves a pair of ‘slimming spectacles’ that trick the brain into thinking that food is 50% bigger than it really is. The ‘Meta Cookie+’ gadget has been developed by a team of researchers from Tokyo University, Japan and was showcased at Tokyo's Digital Content Expo. The virtual tasting headgear screens a larger-looking image of the food in front of the wearer and supposedly suppresses the appetite by tricking the brain’s perception of food size. After trialling the gadget, researchers claim those who wore the food goggles, ate 9.3% less than those who didn’t try out the specs.


Security Guardian USB stick can be tracked and remotely deleted

UK firm ExactTrak has launched a USB Flash drive with built-in GSM and GPS capabilities, allowing users to locate the device and remotely disable them if lost or stolen. Aimed at large organisations, the device enables customers to bring USB storage under the control of corporate security policies, and provide an audit trail to demonstrate data stored on them has not been exposed. Available immediately, the Security Guardian is touted by the firm as the only commercially shipping USB stick that allows users to completely delete data remotely.


PowerPot charges USB devices while cooking

Kickstarter projects like the PowerPot could come as a breath of fresh air amidst as the advanced gadgets we’ve been seeing lately. The device in question is apparently capable of powering any USB gizmo by harnessing thermoelectric power. In other words, apart from functioning as a mainstream cooker, the pot requires just heat and water to juice up any device. It uses all sorts of fuel such as open wood fires, gas or propane and is designed to work in varied weather conditions. It has been made in two forms dubbed the PowerPot V and PowerPot X.“There are over 200 million people in Africa that use cell phones but lack access to electricity. Some must walk over a mile and spend over 15% of their monthly income just to charge their phone,” commented Power Practical CFO Caleb Light. “It is difficult to keep in touch with loved ones or do business off-grid. Since most people faced with this problem cook on an open fire, the PowerPot fits perfectly into their routine.” The V claims to generate up to 5W electricity and can supposedly charge all forms of handheld devices like mobile phones or music players in a span of 60 to 90 minutes. Also, this variant is relatively small as it tips the scales at less than a pound. On the contrary, the X model is heavier and delivers about 10W output. It can power gadgets that require more energy to function like tablets and more.