Cucumber is quite helpful for our health internally
as well as externally. Internally you can get benefits of cucumber
because of its nutrition values. And its juice and its slices are
helpful externally to our skin and eyes.
Cucumber is quite helpful for the hair growth. The sulfur and silicon
content in cucumber makes it beneficial for the growth of hairs. For
better hair growth, drink cucumber juice by mixing with spinach and
carrot juice.
Cucumber is used in various skin creams. The anti oxidants and vitamin C
present in cucumbers makes it helpful for better skin conditions.
Cucumber juice can be applied directly for soft and shiny skin.
Body temperature can be normalized with the help of cucumber. After
walking in the hot and dry weather, you should drink cucumber juice for
cooling down the temperature of your body.
Cucumber also works as natural laxative. Also it aids in complete bowel
evacuation. Even doctors advised to chronic constipation patients to eat
two cucumbers daily to overcome this problem.
Cucumber juice is also beneficial for arthritis and gout patients.
Cucumber juice is helpful for neutralize the effects of uric acid.
That’s why it acts as herbal medicine. Mixing cucumber juice with beet,
carrot juice helps may be more helpful for arthritis and gout patients.
Cucumber juice, when mixed with carrot juice, is said to be good for
rheumatic conditions caused by excessive uric acid in the body. Also
Cucumber has been associated with healing properties in relation to
diseases of the kidney, urinary bladder, liver and pancreas.
Other health benefits of cucumber is derived from the fact that it is
very low in calories Very high potassium contents have been claimed for
the plant which from the most up-to-date analyses available would seem
to be an exaggeration. |