Artist creates famous faces from cassette tapes

(Source: Dailymail)

A frugal artist has made use of her old cassette tapes and film reels to create portraits of some of the world's most famous faces.

Erika Iris Simmons has crafted life-like images of iconic people across the decades from Marilyn Monroe to Bob Marley simply using the old-style tape.

She said: 'I like to take random things - like what you would find at a garage sale or in a thrift store - and make them into composite art.

'Most of my pieces become portraits of people associated with the item I’ve chosen.

'I don’t really add any paint or pigments. I usually just take things apart and re-arrange the pieces, cutting away portions when necessary.

'A lot of my art is made with cassette tapes and old film reels in a series I call 'Ghost in the Machine'.'

Simmons, who was born in St Louise but grew up in Orlando, studied make-up and worked as a face-painter at Universal Studios before moving on to create physical artworks.

She explains on her website: 'I spent about a year tearing up anything I could find in my house – playing cards, newspapers, coffee table books.

'I didn’t have money to spend on art supplies, all of my materials came from Walgreens: scissors, glue, scotch tape, etc.

'But I was searching for an idea, and it didn’t really matter that I didn’t have a lot to work with. That was a blessing in a way.

'At the time I was waiting tables at Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, Florida. I was a cocktail waitress in the VIP lounge, which is Jimi Hendrix themed. I think staring at music memorabilia all day probably soaked my brain with that vibe.

'One day as I was leaving to go to work I saw a pile of cassette tapes laying on top of a canvas I had set near my door. I thought, “What ghosts could be hiding in those machines?”

'I pulled out the ribbon and tried to work with it, making some writing. I watched the ribbon curl up and it reminded me of Jimi Hendrix’s crazy hair, so that was the first portrait I made.'

Simmons soon started showing her work in galleries and has now been working as a full-time artist for several years.