British Wildlife Photography Award winners 2012

(Source: BBC)

THIS year British Wildlife Photography Award winners have been announced, as a new book which captures the diversity of Britain wildlife hits the shelves. Dr Matt Doggett 33, from Southampton, was named the competition’s overall winner for his image Gannet Jacuzzi.

Submissions to this year's British Wildlife Photography Awards have revealed previously unseen glimpses of Britain’s diverse wildlife. The aptly titled 'gannet jacuzzi' was the overall winner and submitted by Dr Matt Doggett who said "I like this image as almost every stage of the action is captured."

High-speed photography specialist Dale Sutton submitted the winning entry in the hidden Britain category. Titled "Leap for freedom" it shows a dark bush cricket in mid leap. "We all see grasshoppers and crickets sitting on grass stems but never after they have just taken off," he said.
A herring gull plucking a puffin from the ground won the animal behaviour category. It was shot by Amanda Hayes on Inner Farne, Northumberland who spent a week attempting to photograph gulls stealing puffins’ sand-eels. She said, "I’m not sure whose heart was beating faster – the puffin or mine!"
The urban wildlife category winner was this shot entitled "Starlings watching starlings" taken in Aberystwyth . It was captured by Phil Jones who said he "wanted something a little different so concentrated on the perched birds looking out to sea with the movement of the flock beyond them."
This magnificent red deer stag in a pine forest came out on top in the animal portraits category. The Cairngorms National Park provided the perfect location for Neil McIntyre, who said that "after a few near misses, eventually one stag stood in the perfect position and I got the shot I wanted."
Alexander Mustard took this image diving off Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel. "I saw a seal swim through this colourful cave and so I waited... and waited," he said and his patience was rewarded with this mysterious shot, which won the habitat category.
North Devon and East Cornwall's Culm grassland provided the inspiration for Stephen Powles' winning image in the "living landscape" category. Taken at night, the image shows how the road cuts through the unique habitat. "The deer sign further emphasises the conflict," said Mr Powles.

The "wildlife in my backyard" category winner was this house-proud wasp shot by David Handley. Capturing the action of the wasp tidying outside its home proved challenging as "the nest was high on the wall so I had to use a small set of stepladders," he said.

This autumnal afternoon in the New Forest was submitted by Jeremy Walker, and won the wild woods category. He had to work quickly, "as the patterns and dapples are constantly on the move," he said. An exhibition of the photos runs from 17 - 22 September at the Mall Galleries, London; followed by a national tour.